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Comments 15

tragicllyhip May 21 2009, 13:33:18 UTC
they both get to do albums so winning is just a formality. I didn't follow well this season (and didn't bother to watch the finale), but I liked Kris, he seems in keeping what out there today, he'll probably do fine. Adam isn't my thing, but he can pretty much do what he likes now.


dm_wyatt May 21 2009, 13:53:34 UTC
I know Adam will be okay, but I think it is telling on how far we still haven't come that a man who is more or less openly gay (even though he hasn't come out and admitted he was) can't win this competition.

I'm diappointed, but Adam said in an interview last night after the results that he's already had a few offers.

He'll be okay.


tragicllyhip May 21 2009, 13:55:04 UTC
maybe it wasn't because he was gay. I mean i wouldn't have voted for him, i don't care that he's gay. I certainly hope that wasn't the reason


dm_wyatt May 21 2009, 13:59:51 UTC
Oh, I think it was.

I went and looked at some of the comments in the blog post I'd linked to yesterday and there were a lot of people saying that he didn't deserve it because he was gay.

There was a lot of people posting tweets yesterday on twitter basically saying the same thing. I guess we can vote a black man president, but still think it's okay to bash gays.

We still have some way to go.


ctbn60 May 21 2009, 13:40:25 UTC
I felt Kris was going to win. I explained it to the guy I work with like this. Whenever the third person goes home you need to look at their fan base and see who their fans would be more likely to vote for between the two remaining contestants. In doing so that person would more then likely wind up being the winner. I believe that Danny’s fans would be more likely to vote for Kris rather then Adam and that is why I though Kris stood a pretty good chance of winning. I think both of them will be fine. Look at Daughtry after all. I also felt that was why he didn’t win. But he is doing better anyway without the win.


dm_wyatt May 21 2009, 13:55:47 UTC
Oh, good point. I'm not sure Danny's fans would have voted for Adam.

People were saying that Adam would win because the google searches on him were like five times greater than the ones on Kris.


I'm not sure I would have predicted it, but using your method of trying to guess who the third person's fans would vote for it certainly makes sense.

My daughter was so disgusted by Kris winning, she actually walked out of the room and slammed her door shut.


ctbn60 May 21 2009, 14:01:15 UTC
Poor thing! My daughter didn't follow it this year but she thought Adam looked strange. Personally I liked Adam better but I lean toward that type anyway. He appealed to my inner goth! ;-)

The one thing I never liked about Idol and other call in shows like dancing with the stars is that the person who deserves to win never really seems to. But I guess it is all subjective.


ladydreamer May 21 2009, 20:22:40 UTC
I turned the TV off during the preliminaries, because this show has always been homophobic, lead by Simon of course because it's his job to be an ass, but the other judges let it happen and encourage it. Any guy who shows too much effeminacy gets mocked like hell, and on more than one occasion, I've seen them toss off a transgendered singer because they were too busy laughing to notice that the person had a good voice. (I'm not talking about the straight guys who wear a dress just to get on TV.) I gave it a chance this season, but they did it again, so I flat out can't watch. It's too painful ( ... )


dm_wyatt May 21 2009, 21:13:59 UTC
Yeah, I agree.

It's sad but true. I had thought with some more states coming in on the gay marriage bandwagon that the country was becoming more tolerant.

I guess not.

It's sad that he lost, but I think in the long run he'll be better off for it. He won't have to sing that trite song that Kara had written and he won't have 19 ruining his debut album with treacly sweet nonsense songs that they hope will sell to tween girls.

It'll probably be better for him. Maybe he'll get a broadway show, an album, a movie, who knows?


ladydreamer May 21 2009, 21:28:17 UTC
It's possible. And honestly, having a pissed off gay community behind your career can't hurt. There's already buzz on AfterElton.com.


dm_wyatt May 21 2009, 21:32:32 UTC

I know that the theatre community was supporting him too, so he'll get some work wherever he wants I'm sure.

I adore Adam. He's over the top, but he's so centered and comfortable with himself too. He really knows who he is and what he wants to do. I'm sure he'll be just fine.

I know I'll buy whatever it is he decides to put out, whether it's an album or whatever.

It'd be fun to see him in a broadway show, maybe get nominated for a Tony, in addition to selling millions more CDs than Kris. He's just so good, I'm sure he'll have a long succesful career.


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