Title: Saving the Last Dance
mondeoRating: PG
Author’s notes: title a play on “Save the Last Dance,” a wonderful song-which, shock of shocks, I neither wrote nor own.
Summary: None of the team are blind.
She sees them share a silent look, Danny raising an eyebrow and Martin canting his head. No words, a room apart-and she knows, bone-deep, sure beyond all doubt.
Allison Sweeny has been missing for nearly three days-the boys just interviewed her family. They walked back into the office with smiles, Danny strutting like always and Martin following in his wake.
And Vivian knows. Her suspicions have been building for months, ever since Martin joined the team, but until now she was never certain.
Danny, ever the professional, still paraded his female conquests in front of the team-until Martin arrived. And then, quite suddenly, out of nowhere: nothing.
That began her wondering. And now that she knows, she wishes them well.
Martin appraised her the first time they met, a quick glance. She still pined after Jack, though, so she subtly rebuffed him.
Danny had long since given up hitting on her, though he still flirted; Danny flirts with anything and everything that moves.
She watched with amusement as Danny flirted with Martin, nothing too blatant. But it wasn’t until just before the OPR investigation that she suspected there could be anything more.
The tension between them, which she’d always written off as territorial male posturing, shifted so subtly she almost didn’t notice. But one day she turned around and they reminded her of-well, herself. And Jack.
So now, she watches still, just waiting for them to notice. And hopes that, after they realize, they might let her watch just a little bit more.
‘cause, well... she has eyes.
Before Martin, Danny knew he liked men just as much as he liked women. No need to cut off half the population, after all; plenty of him to go around.
He was no fool, though, never has been. Danny keeps his private life private, because the rest of the world isn’t quite ready to accept him as he is.
But then, Martin walked into the office, cocky and gorgeous, and Danny had never wanted so much.
He held off, though, kept his cool, flirted with Martin as much as everyone else. And if Martin sometimes-though always hesitantly-flirted back, Danny easily wrote it off as the new guy trying to fit in.
But then, when Danny’s taking off one day, he decides to just ask Martin out for a drink, two coworkers-nothing more.
And Martin says, “Yes.”
Martin’s fifteen the summer he realizes he likes boys more than girls. Dad catches him with Joseph Billings, though, and that’s that.
He still blushes whenever he recalls that night, so he thinks of it as little as possible.
And then, Danny gives him the once over, that first day, a challenge issued from his dark eyes.
Martin isn’t fifteen anymore, and he wants what he wants.
So when Danny invites him out, Martin hesitates for one heartbeat-and says, “Yes.”
If Jack could pick anyone for either of his boys, it would be each other.
So he watches them dance around and smiles when they finally get it right.