Title: Happenstance: Captain Jack Harkness
Rating: NC-17 for this chapter
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Through Season 1, episode 11, part 2
Summary: Set during and after ‘Captain Jack Harkness’, from Jack and Ianto’s perspective.
A/N: Can be read alone, if you've seen the episode it will make sense
Beta'ed by the 'Super'
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Comments 13
BTW, your post at the jackxianto community didn't have the link to the newest chapter. ;/
Thanks for the note, I think the link is fixed now!
I don't want ot make you cry, but I admit to being a little teary during a couple of read throughs. I'm glad that both Jack's and Ianto's emotions were clear. Even thought both of them are really f'ing confused for most of this episode :)
The HOT does make the Sad easier to take :D
Oh yeah... ;)
That's really funny that you point out Ianto's internal monolouge. I don't know if you've read any my other chapters, but this one is particularly low on Ianto thoughts. I've always found him to be the easiest to write (I think I am him, so that helps). But this episode really called for Jack thoughts...
Season one *is* tricky! These characters are so well drawn, and complex. There's a lot of mystery around all of them, and therefore a lot of fodder for the fic-doms ;) But they are so consistent on the show, that you have to tread lightly to really maintain the original characters. Does that make sense?
Ok, I'll stop rambling now :)
And then the ending. Seems both Ianto and I were waiting for Tosh to leave *L* I'm glad you gave us a Janto ending--definitely what the episode needed :D
With your way with heartbreaking scenes, I can't imagine what you have in store for us for the next episode--I'm shuddering in anticipation! :D
Thanks as always for sharing!
Alas, even I am not certain what shall happpen in the next chapter. I expect tears, tears and more tears, but hopfully will have some surprises in store...
Thanks for commenting, it makes me rediculously happy that have 'regulars' :D
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