Challenges #1-3: January

Dec 31, 2006 00:17

Edited to add: now updated with links to challenge responses.

How does it work?
Pick and prompt and write! Whatever inspires you. You can write for one of them or all three of them. You can write multiple response to one prompt. Be creative and have fun with the prompt, you can take it wherever you want. Basically, it's a free-for-all designed to get you writing about these characters as much as possible. :) And if you want more suggestions or would like some more guidelines to make it a bit more challenging, feel free to ask!

I'd also like to note that fanart and fanmixes are more than welcome as submissions. Fanart can be anything from a manip to a piece of original art, the only thing we ask is that people don't submit icons.

It can be any length (unless otherwise specified in the rules), from drabble to novel, and once you've finished it, post it here with the heading:

Challenge #0 Response: Fic Length (One-Shot/Series/Other?): Fic Title

And after the month is done, all the people who participated will get shiny banners (and possibly other nifty things depending on how generous your mods are feeling).

In summary: pick prompt --> write something --> post here --> get shiny banner!

And now, onto the fun part...

The Challenges

Challenge #1: Two-word prompt
Georgia peach

Challenge #2: Character + one word prompt
Rube + sunflower

Challenge #3: Pairing prompt
Four Things That Did Happen to George and Mason and One Thing That Didn't

Any questions, feel free to respond to this post or e-mail at dlm_fanfiction[at]livejournal[dot]com. :)

»03: george/mason & five times, »02: rube & sunflower, »01: georgia peach, » -challenge-

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