A little something special for my flist today~ pictures! Kyaa~ >___<
Click here to view these pictures larger I have yet to see pictures shared of this book. Im just fucking ECSTATIC to even have gotten my hands on one! And now my teachers know that Im one of THOSE crazy fangirls... *sigh* I couldnt possibly take pictures of the whole book, but I did take pictures of the shots I loved the most.
A little back story, from what I could tell.
Ohno was sent to Aomori and met up with a couple of artists. I think he even carved his own spoon...Im not 100% sure though. He brought back t-shirts and chopsticks as presents for the others.
Aiba was sent all over the place; Chiba, Nara(?), Kyoto...I think... and seemed to have visited old folks homes and even special care homes. His section was so touching; just all the pictures of him hugging everyone and his big smiles... *sighs*. He brought back little cell phone charms made by some of the people he met.
Jun went to....some island...lol. Sorry. His story was kinda hard to figure out. He did visit a high school though (lucky buggers...) and he partook in the local delicacies (I assume). He also did a bike trip around the place. He brought back a ton of food for the guys including oysters and sake. Nice.
Sho's reminded me of the photoshoot he did making soba. This time he was on a tea farm/plantation. He went through the daily routines of the farmer, down to packing it to be sold. Which, he didnt sell, but brought back for the guys. (Also, his photographer really set him up in a photoshoot style, cuz wow. I WANT those pictures so badly...jus' sayin'...).
Nino's made me laugh. He went to Nintendo headquarters and met with maybe, artists and musicians. (How appropriate, right?) He also got to meet Miyazaki Hayao of Ghibli Studios. How awesome is that?! He brought back a shit ton of Mario/Ghibli stuffs for the guys.
And now, I encourage you, if at alll possible, to go find this book at a school library and check it out!