As one who has gone through this I can relate and give my condolances. Also, don't ignore the ice pack like me. if you do you will swell up and it will hurt longer. I speak from experience :o) Hope you feel better soon.
From someone who had to have their upper and lower wisdom teeth taken out at different times, I feel your pain. Here's hoping you feel better. BTW, I'm gonna try and swing by CNU sometime next week to see everyone. Maybe come over on a Monday night and stay a few days to see everyone and just chill.
wow, you get a LJ then you get your wisdom teeth out, it's like your LJ is immitating my LJ when i first started it! Still just swish with some warm salt water, and be sure to take any pills they give you, and you should be fine. (got my teeth out shortly before starting the school year as your roomie)
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