I'd wait longer, but it's been a productive few weeks for crazy, and the interracial dating one begs to be quoted...
- Interracial couples: "You have to really wonder about a relationship that's based on two people who have been rejected from each of their races and come to each other in desperation ... the [white] guy just wants the girl because he can't have the more socially desirable white girl ... usually asian women will date white males because they're too ugly for Asian men."
I always wondered why Saffy and I are together. I guess now I know. Original post here (it goes on for a while), it was linked from fstdt.
- Believe, or I'll blow your brains out:
Because if evolution is true, you ought to be shot. (In case AiG takes down the banner, here it is at full size.)
- Atheists will breastfeed your baby while you're away. No, really.
- A completely baffling quote from this article on traditional marriage. Here it is, without any changes from me (the []s and ""s are in the original article):
"If people come to a 'Las Vegas of same-sex marriage' [like Massachusetts], and then they go home, they still believe they're married. And then they represent themselves [to their community] as being married," he stated.
Can someone translate that?
- Father wants to strike Fahrenheit 451 from a high school reading list: "The book had a bunch of very bad language in it ... If they can't find a book that uses clean words, they shouldn't have a book at all."
- Surprisingly, young men are okay with porn: "It is disturbing that so many younger males think it is morally acceptable to view pornography..."
- When metaphors (similes, I suppose) attack: Parents are expiring. (Because the Senate killed a parental-notification bill.) Read and be awed by the author's literary prowess.