Apr 26, 2006 04:57
Ok, I finally won the war with my internet. Go me...
I've decided to do something during my time left here at college...this may be somewhat upsetting to some, but I'm sorry...
I'm going to stay single until I graduate. At least as far as I can see...my responsibilities will require it, and God keeps telling me to do that.
This doesn't mean I won't spend time with wonderful ladies, I just won't become overly involved in a romantic way. If that makes sense...some cases will be exceptions, but then again, I'd have to be an exception. Gold-diggers need not apply.
I'm not really sure why this came over me, but I know I'll do better in school...if my Spring 2004 and Fall 2005 GPAs have anything to say about it.
Anyway, we had a RAT Leader meeting today and it went really well...I'm excited.
Also, Congratulations to Lauren and the AB Class on becoming brothers in full standing. w00t!!!
Anyway, have a great morning everyone.
DK out.