Title: Not a clotpole (1/2)
Author: dk323
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Merlin, Arthur, Morgana
Merlin ~ Episode 2x01
Disclaimer: The show Merlin is property of the BBC. No money being made.
Summary: Merlin doesn’t know what has overcome Arthur.
Not a clotpole: Part 1 )
Comments 24
Yes he is, lol! Poor Merlin.
Thanks for reading. :) I'm glad you enjoyed this!
Thanks! I'm glad this worked for you. :)
So... Morgana has guessed Arthur is trying to make Merlin confess/use his magic in front of him?
Nothing gets past Morgana. ;)
I'm from the US, so I don't know, but...is that an actual term in Britian, or did Merlin just make it up? @.@
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this. I couldn't think of better title to a tag!fic for the episode where "clotpole" was first uttered. So I wanted to set out to prove that Arthur wasn't a clotpole...
I'm from the US, so I don't know, but...is that an actual term in Britian, or did Merlin just make it up? @.@
Oh, I'm from the US too, so the word is new to me. I've only heard the word "clod" used. According to Brits, it's an old term these days and was probably used more a long time ago (likely in Merlin's time). There are modern variations of "clotpole" though. Essentially, Merlin was calling him a "dickhead" or "idiot" (indicating Arthur was "useless in the head").
Wow. Merlin's kind of awesome like that. xD <3
The final part is coming soon. To be honest, I decided to rewrite it, so it's taking longer than planned on. I'll try to have it up by the end of the weekend.
So THANK YOU. Arthur may be a prat, but he's not an idiot (well, at least Merlin's judgments are only half right.) I can't wait to see whether his plan works! And hooray for Morgana! If only canon Arthur could take some lessons in observation from her...
Suspense! I blame the writers on the show. They just can't resist dragging out the magic reveal until the last possible moment. *impatient sigh*
Yes - strategic thinking, exactly! Arthur should use it more, but it appears the oblivious part is what mostly comes out when Merlin's around...
So THANK YOU. Arthur may be a prat, but he's not an idiot (well, at least Merlin's judgments are only half right.) I can't wait to see whether his plan works! And hooray for Morgana! If only canon Arthur could take some lessons in observation from her...You're welcome! :-) Arthur's actually a clotpole, haven't you heard? LOL. And the Morgana scene was there to show that the magic reveal doesn't have to be all dramatic. I'm sure the show writers won't agree - oh well ( ... )
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