Title: A Better World (1/2) (Sequel to
With a heavy heart)
Author: dk323
Rating: PG
Word count (for this part): 7,502
Spoilers: Up through 3x04 "Gwaine" (3x05 “The Crystal Cave" episode didn't happen in this fic verse)
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, implied Arthur/Gwen, past Merlin/Freya, Morgana, OCs
Disclaimer: The show Merlin is property of
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Comments 2
I'm glad you like what I'm doing with Freya and Morgana. There will be a lot of Morgana in the final part as Freya has to leave. So it'll be a lot of Morgana meeting people of the Alpha World and getting all settled there, etc. :)
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