So, in honor of
liviapenn's post requesting
Really epic hurt-comfort-- recs?, a totally subjective poll asking the eternal question, "In [fill-in-blank fandom] fanfic, who *suffers* better?!" Possible fandoms are limited to my biggest fandoms because I don't know who the angst!queens are in other fandoms; possible responses are kinda skewed because I'm a
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Comments 19
My other fandom is Firefly, and while I think fandom likes to have Simon *suffer* like there's no tomorrow, I think Mal, as a character, angsts a lot more in the canon.
Oh, and I agree that Remus probably suffers the most in HP. Maybe this is just because I don't read enough non-MWPP fic though?
The only one I had problems with was the SPN one. I'm so caught in the Sam-n-Dean stage of development I have a hard time seperating them for anything, even a poll. *rolls eyes at self*
Buffy, Cordy, and Xander had no chance at the prize. They're just too chirpy too really get into the woe-is-me mood set. Xander manages occasionally, but generally comes up wise-cracking.
As for Stargate Atlantis: Carson! Definitly Carson. Just look at the recent episodes.
Took other for Harry Potter...but only because I didn't find an option to skip the question.
Sentinel: And Yes Definitly Jim is the better one when it comes to suffering at Sentiel. The Weight of the world.
Angel/Buffy: Would have liked it split. Because Wesley does suffer very well. But Xander just did it better.
Pros: Doyle...Bodie is more one who gets angry
And since last weeks Torchwood: Captain Jack!
Due South: Vecchio I can't say a reason...but he wins.
X-Files: Heck because I mostly lived at the Mulder Torture archive for some time.
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