Fic: If We Shadows Have Offended C.2

Apr 30, 2012 21:31

Title: If We Shadows Have Offended
Author: djarum99Chapter: 2/5 ( Read more... )

rumpelstiltskin/belle, fic, once upon a time

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Comments 21

pearlseed May 1 2012, 08:19:07 UTC
I should be in bed asleep for the last hour but there's life and stories and I watched an episode of Sherlock--he is the most fabulous sloe-eyed man I've ever seen...and I adore beyound thinking the quiet Dr. Watson. So now I'm going to read your story and nod happily off with your delightful play racing about my brain. Sweet dreams, darlin' dream-sister of mine, what a treat in the dark of the night.


djarum99 May 2 2012, 01:48:27 UTC
Sherlock is just a stunning series. I can't even think of writing for it, because what's on the screen is so damn good.

Hope your dreams were sweet ♥


pearlseed May 1 2012, 08:54:10 UTC
He’s allowing himself happiness, and she clings to every moment Ohmyword, do you know, can you guess that of all the mean things of my life, over which I haven't wept--you, with words that bear the weight of imagination and heart, you with words have made me cry more than any other human on this beautiful green earth.

she can feel the power in him, midnight and sun in cobweb harness, vying for controlDon't think you've writ better than this since the first time you described Jack's skin. I am stunned and lighter than air. Oh, this makes me so happy to know your stories exist in this world. Just the best, now I'm off to bed dear one, and such dreams I intend to make...would cause Mr. Gold to have the faintest tinge of pink in his cheeks. It's a very good story and I love how he says dearie.


djarum99 May 2 2012, 02:10:30 UTC
Oh, sis! If I'm to have an audience of one, I'm so very grateful and honored that it's you :-)

Thank you so much for picking out those lines, and for sharing your beautiful heart with me the past few years ♥


impulsereader May 2 2012, 02:00:50 UTC
Lovely - and convincing and wonderful all over.

Gold’s voice is all sharp edges, sword blades and smashed mirrors - Ah! So perfect!

Are you treating us to the battle by any chance?


djarum99 May 2 2012, 02:15:59 UTC
Sheet!Sherlock! It's delicious, and I hope this means you'll be posting soon.

The battle begins in C.3, and ends there. Haven't a hope of predicting the OUAT plotline, of course, so I'm winging it. For this fic it's context for the R/B relationship and their character's arcs as I'm seeing them at the moment. May be a little handwavy, since it's mainly from Gold/Rumpel's POV and he holds his secrets close. Can't wait to write Regina, and I've already got the ending down.

Thanks so much for reading and the kind words ♥


impulsereader May 2 2012, 03:02:19 UTC
Yea! Curse stuff through your eyes! I am so on board with handwaving when it comes to the Curse it's a little disturbing. I'm also fairly sure every OUAT fic out there is going to be - just a little off - eventually since the show could really go absolutely anywhere at this point. Oh, woe, we who are writing during season 1!


djarum99 May 2 2012, 03:16:26 UTC
But how can we resist writing during season one, with the CArlyle and the magic and the fabulously Evil Queeeeeen? I'm thinking everything will be jossed in two weeks, if not sooner, and I'm good with that :-)


chloris May 2 2012, 04:58:15 UTC

Gold’s voice is all sharp edges, sword blades and smashed mirrors, and for a moment Belle sees him in dragonskin, his fingers tipped in claws.

She has to keep her balance, and every time he touches her, thoughts swirl like bright jewels in a child’s kaleidoscope, memories fighting for alignment and pattern until they settle on those that hold him. Green-gold scales and amber eyes, Armani suits and Gucci loafers.

I love the continuation of the dragon imagery for him and how she slowly puts herself back together.

It's probably good that Belle knows what she wants and is willing to take matters into her own hands or Gold would probably have kept on tiptoeing around her forever. And she never would have thawed.


djarum99 May 2 2012, 05:50:27 UTC
Gold would probably have restrained himself for far too long :-) He'll get his chance (as will Rumpelstiltskin) at the angsty!sex POV in the next couple of chapters.

My take on the curse is that everyone in Storybrooke lived a sort of Groundhog Day repetition until Emma came to town, meaning Belle wouldn't really have the experience of 28 years locked in the hospital basement. I think she must have spent some time in the EQ's dungeons, though. At any rate, I don't think she'd be the same Belle we saw in FTL, but still the same in essence, just tempered by her brush with evil and the curse.

Thanks so much for commenting ♥


verseblack May 2 2012, 11:34:03 UTC
I like the "Groundhog Day" theory :) I've been having problems getting my mind around the "stopped time" element of the Curse and that's sort of the idea I've been holding to.

This chapter is beautiful (as always!) Those closing lines pack a powerful punch. I'm smiling at the idea of Storybrook Belle as a John Wayne fan--I always enjoyed watching Westerns with my father as a child.

I really think this fandom is inherently suited to AUs and plain 'ol "that bit of canon doesn't work for my story so I will ignore it." After all OUAT itself is perfectly happy to splice and trim and rewrite the stories it is playing with, so we should be too!


djarum99 May 2 2012, 15:07:59 UTC
I really think this fandom is inherently suited to AUs - it is indeed, full of rabbit holes and a Disney/Grimm/Anderson/Carroll mishmash.

I'm so glad you liked Belle's John Wayne quote - I wrote it and thought "wait, what?" and then decided to tie it back to Moe French in the next chapter, so happy to hear it fits your memories :-)

Thanks so much for the feedback ♥


(The comment has been removed)

djarum99 June 19 2012, 04:04:37 UTC
It's weird, but Belle has been the hardest character to write in this; we'd only had one episode to get to know her when I wrote this, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like for her, at this point. I'm hoping to see a lot more of her in season two. EDR's pilot for another series didn't get picked up, so fingers crossed. I can't imagine what they'd do with her storyline otherwise (shudders to think).

I love Emma. I loved her introduction at the beginning, and her scenes with Henry, but I want to know her better. She was awesome in the finale, but why on earth did she trust Gold? No one should ever, ever trust Gold. Except he always knows what's coming, almost, and he knew true love's kiss would save Henry. She didn't need the potion.

I love this show.

Thanks so much for your kind, kind words - they always brighten my day, more than I can tell you ♥


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