Fic: Camera Obscura

May 30, 2011 20:45

Title: Camera Obscura
Author: djarum99
Rating: R
Characters: Jack Sparrow, OC; J/E implied, hinted at, lurking in the shadows
Disclaimer: Disney owns the world of pirates, and I make no profit
Summary: A future fic set in the 1930s; an encounter with a hurricane, and Captain Jack Sparrow
A/N: This is for heartstrike, who made the winning bid on my offer at the help_japanRead more... )

future fic, jack sparrow, oc

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Comments 47

whensheflies May 31 2011, 04:51:14 UTC
Holy hell, this took my breath away. I'm always so hesitant to read fic with OCs and ones that are set long after the movies, but this is you. Everything you write is gloriously poetic and I never should have been hesitant in the first place.

I loved everything about this, from Jack weaving his web of history for Libby to her continual search for a snapshot of the elusive Captain Jack Sparrow. So happy to see you writing again...this was just perfection.


djarum99 June 1 2011, 02:25:42 UTC
Thanks so much for taking a chance - I had great fun writing Libby. She's mirror to our pirate Captain, of course, and hopefully a little bit more. I really appreciate the comment, and the welcome back ♥


redbells May 31 2011, 05:18:36 UTC

*flails* *shrieks* * flails some more*

I'll come back when I can be coherent!


djarum99 June 1 2011, 02:27:12 UTC

I can't wait to hear coherent *g* Thanks so much, again, for donating to help_japan


redbells June 1 2011, 22:53:42 UTC
This is perfect. Utterly, wonderfully, delightfully perfect. I don't regret letting you have free rein in the least :)

I love Libby, her wistfulness and her wanderlust, and of course, her camera. She is wonderfully vibrant, and a perfect mirror to Jack, who shines as he always does in your writing. Mysterious and wry and pirate to the bone, you're captured him just as he should be.

The imagery is so striking - I am particularly in love with your descriptions of the storm. A hurricane, there’s no longer doubt, come to sing of its birthright, come to claim nature’s due. I can taste the wind in that sentence. Just wonderful.

I love this - I don't know that I can articulate how much. I've read it several times through and each time I find some hidden treasure that I missed before, some turn of phrase that makes my breath come sharp. My only worry is that my fic for you will be hopelessly mundane in comparison :)

Thank you so much for this wonderful tale.


agtmacgyver May 31 2011, 05:45:07 UTC
So much better than that book I just spent $14 on. Brilliant!


djarum99 June 1 2011, 02:32:40 UTC
Oh my, I'm honored! Thanks so much ♥


afigureofspeech May 31 2011, 05:51:33 UTC
Um. Um. How do I describe the feelings this fic has given me?

Well, first off a want to say, fabulous job on the OC. I'm generally wary of them, but since she wasn't actually paired with Jack, I went for it anyway (also it being you helped a lot and also J/E is pretty much my OTP for these movies so there is that). And I'm so glad I did ( ... )


djarum99 June 1 2011, 02:39:30 UTC
I'm so glad that you risked it, and that you enjoyed Libby, and understood her so well :-) This story started with the hurricane, a real disaster of Labor Day weekend in 1935 that opened the door to that disillusionment you mentioned, the general feel of the era. An era documented so powerfully by photographers, including a number of women - May Craig, Toni Frisell, Dorothea Lange, among others - who inspired the creation of Libby Mallory. And, I fell in love with the idea of Jack taking shelter in a mausoleum. It seems like something he would do, and makes perfect sense; the Old Key West Cemetery survived that hurricane when precious little else did.

Thanks so, so much for the love ♥


afigureofspeech June 2 2011, 04:35:36 UTC
I am by no means a history buff (like, in any way, shape, or form), but I love it when actual historical/contemporary events are worked into a piece of fiction. :)

Anytime! Between this and the stuff you wrote for the Being Human fandom, your words ~inspire me lol. I love it all. Would you mind if I friended you?


djarum99 June 2 2011, 04:54:30 UTC
Friending would be great :-) And, thanks again for the love ♥


ladyofthesilent May 31 2011, 07:42:15 UTC
*is speechless ( ... )


djarum99 June 1 2011, 02:49:04 UTC
I'm so glad that you enjoyed this, and that you liked Libby :-) She came alive very quickly when I started researching women photographers of the era, as I mentioned in a comment above. Photography fascinates me, too, the power that it has to say so much more than words.

Jack is good with it, with being who and what he is, and that understanding was one of the best aspects of AWE, I think. Libby experiences life most clearly in the visual sense, which made her the perfect instrument for telling this story.

Elizabeth may not stay with Jack, or he with her, but I can imagine their lives forever intertwined - I think he knows exactly where she is, in that year of 1935 :-)

Thanks so much for the lovely comment - it's good to see you "here" again ♥


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