
Dec 01, 2012 21:14

I wanted to make a grand attempt at this but when you work OVER full time hours and you're sick again, all your plans go down to nothing. So I decided to go with simple colorings and key focus on the caps instead of the grandeur of text and textures like I wanted to.

20in20 Challenge )

ouat, landcomm, challenge, community

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Comments 9

tanyareed December 2 2012, 02:36:00 UTC
I would *love* a Haven/OuAT crossover!


dj_rocca December 2 2012, 02:46:01 UTC
:D I know right?! It works too well


tanyareed December 2 2012, 03:20:02 UTC
Especially now that Storybrooke is *kind of* open. (Plus, with Audrey's immunity to magic/curses...) That would definitely be a story I'd read...I don't think I'd be able to write it, though. LOL


josiefier December 2 2012, 03:56:59 UTC
Love the crossover and team (Ruby/Belle) ones! And the Red/Charming one makes me happier than it should lol.


dj_rocca December 2 2012, 04:12:25 UTC
LOL Oh you! XD
I knew you'd appreciate the crossover one too ;)


josiefier December 2 2012, 04:16:16 UTC
No one can fault me for my Red/Charming love. At this point even they're more canon than my original OTP.

And yes, Haven/OUAT always needs to be a thing. :D (Actually, once caps get posted for last night's ep. Henry's getting a new friend in art form, so, yeah. Team Rebellious Youths, I suppose.)


shigeki_jkp December 6 2012, 21:52:40 UTC
The artists choice ones are pretty much my faves of all of these. Especially love the one of Granny and Ruby :D Beautiful cap and placement choice all around my love.


midniterose January 17 2013, 07:34:46 UTC
I love your icons especially the Ruby/Archie artist's choice icon. Is it okay for me to use? I will of course credit you.


dj_rocca January 17 2013, 15:02:32 UTC
Of course sweetie! Everything I do unless stated is snaggable with credit


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