Unspoken Promises (Two)

Apr 30, 2012 22:21

Unspoken Promises
Part Two: Fragile Things

Note: I do not own Law and Order Special Victims Unit, I do not make a profit for writing this. I’m just entertaining myself and maybe some of the fanbase, time will tell.
Timeline: Season 13, Home Invasion
Rating: M
Warning: Violence, Language, Adult Concepts
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Prompt: Fallen Angels (angst_bingo)
Characters: (in order by mention or appearance) Odafin Tutuola, Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, John Munch, Donald Cragen, Amanda Rollins
Summary: He had never understood what it was like for Benson and Stabler, until the day he let his partner fall, and it was eating him alive.

He had promised himself this would not happen. But yet again it was another vow and promise he had made to himself that he had broken. But as he looked at her bare, pale skin, watching her shiver under his touch, he realized it was worth it. The cuts and bruises that had marred her skin were fading and he could see no sign of distress with her breathing. She lay there, looking up at him like a fallen angel, blonde hair haloing her head, skin almost glowing.

Her short nails clawed at the white sheets, her head was tilted back as far as it would go, and her jaw was clenched tight. A whimper sounded as he fingers caressed her. God he didn’t want this to happened but he’d be damned it if he was going to stop it now. As he leaned up, nipping at her earlobe, he whispered things to her he never thought he would say to her, but he could see she was enjoying them. He moaned softly in her ear, and breathed her name…

She let out a low cry as she came, her body had surged up, pressing against his. Her arms were wrapped around him tight, burying her face into his neck. Slowly she lowered herself back to the mattress and sighed as she lay there with an exhausted smile on her lips. “Damn,” she drawled.

“You can say that again,” he chuckled, sliding from her and laying beside her.

She looked over at him, her face relatively blank, “We should not have done that,” she told him.

“I know,” he said, “But it was worth it,” he said, grinning.

Amanda found herself laughing, “Yeah, yeah it was,” she told him. “Time for round two, partner.”

When Fin opened his eyes, body jerking awake as the vivid images of his dream flashed. He looked over to Rollins who was sleeping soundly, blissfully unaware. It had been a long time since he had an erotic dream, most of his dreams turned into haunting images from the cases he had worked. This was a welcome reprieve from that. In her sleep, Amanda whimpered as she moved to her side, face contorting in pain.

He looked to her white sheets as she rolled over to see red staining the bedding. As he looked up, he could see blood soaking into her simple nightgown. His stomach sank, with a curse, he reached for her.

“Amanda, wake up, your bleeding,” he said, firmly enough that it woke her.

Her eyes snapped open, a small gasp leaving her lips as her now awake brain was telling her what pain she was in.

“Jesus,” she breathed, slowly and shakily she sat up, he climbed up, pulling her to her feet. She ripped off the nightgown, turning to show him her back. The deepest wound was oozing blood, dripping down her lower back. She didn’t bother to cover herself as she headed into her bathroom; he followed, taking the items given to her to keep her wounds clean. She sat down on the closed toilet, and he began to clean the wounds he heard her whisper. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” he asked, focused on the task at hand, applying pressure to the newly open wound.

She sighed, “That you have to take care of me, I mean, I must be the worst new partner you’ve ever had,” she winced, a jolt jerking through her body.

“Sorry,” he murmured, “But nah, you’re not. You couldn’t have helped this.”

She scoffed, “Sure I couldn’t…I’m sorry to be such a burden.”

Fin sighed softly, “You’re no burden. I don’t mind,” he said, “You’re going to eventually tell me who did this right?”

“So you can kick ass? No. It won’t get us anywhere, Fin. It will just make it worse,” She turned to him, and he averted his eyes, focusing on her face. She gave him a small smile, “The best thing you can do is stay here with me. Ok?”

Fin felt a rush through him, hearing her voice waver; the tears glaze her eyes as she continued to look at him. She was finally on the verge of breaking down. “Alright, alright, I will, please, don’t cry…” he begged in a whisper. There was such much he could he take, but he didn’t think he handle seeing her break.

“I won’t,” she breathed, “I just hate I seem so weak, like a damsel. I fucking hate it,” She tentatively placed her hands on either side of his face. “This city…it’s almost too much…I’m just a country girl, ya know?”

He felt his heart go out to her, he had been born and raised here, he didn’t know any other way of life. “I don’t see you as a damsel, I’ve seen how strong and smart you are, I’ve always got your back. Almost literally in this case,” he said, winking at her. “Come on, back to bed,” he said gently, rising, he grabbed her night gown and held it out to her. She took it and gingerly pulled it over her head.

They headed back into the bedroom, where she slowly crawled into bed, as he sat on the edge, she crept over. He watched as she stretched out, placing the side of her cheek on his thigh. He watched her as she began to drift back to sleep, the images from his dream coming back to him. Fin snapped back from his thoughts as her cell phone vibrated on her nightstand. As a text message came from a blocked number, he knew immediately who it was from. It only took the few words to know who he would have to go after, he could almost hear Murphy’s accent as he read three words.

Lesson learned, love?
To be continued

fanfic, tv, prompts

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