The Long Road

Feb 02, 2011 00:37

Author: dj_rocca 
Fandoms: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (AU)
H/C: undercover: having to participate in illegal / hurtful activity

Title: The Long Road
Prompt: undercover: having to participate in illegal / hurtful activity
Medium: fic,
Rating: T
Pairings/Characters: (hintings) Skull/Kim, Bulk
Warnings: drugs, alcohol, possibly language
Summary: It was a long road to find each other and it will be a long road to redemption.

There was no hate or anger in his eyes, just assurance and understanding. He wanted his best friend to know that no matter what happened, he would still be his best friend. He watched as his oldest friend lowered the filled needle into his arm. The minor pinch was nothing compared to the burn that followed. Immediately he began to sweat, his stomach rolled and his mind became buzzed.

“We warned you,” another man growled in his ear, “if we found out you betrayed us, you'd die. See you in hell.”

Eugene Skullovitch felt fire spread through his veins. His buzzed mind told him the devil was preparing to take him down. If it stopped the pain he was now in, he'd gladly take eternity in the fire. Vomit poured out of his mouth, blood began to seep from his eyes but despite all that he was happy for the one moment of bliss. Kimberly Hart's name was on his lips as everything went black.

The Night before

He took a drag from his cigarette and blew smoke into the air. His raked his fingers through his blonde hair and looked to the crowd. Though it was smoky there were a lot of beautiful women there. He watched each one, seeing who was with who, who would abandon their drink, who the drunkest one was. Maybe that would make it easier on him. But fate was a cruel bitch to him as usual as a the one person he didn't want to see, not now, walked in.

“Well shit, look who walked in,” the round bartender said, he put this cigarette out and it was his turn to swear.

“Damn it, she spotted us,” he said. Sure as shit, Kim made his way through the crowd and to the bar. Had this been any other night this would have been acceptable. But not now.

“Bulk? Skull?” she implored, the bar tender shook his head.

“Ain't me sweetheart, they call me Big Paulie and this is Mike,” the petite woman rolled her eyes.
“Give it up, I'd know you guys anywhere,” she said, Bulk sighed and poured her a drink.

“Fine, then drink this and follow him,” he told her, Kim eyed him and then down the shot. She had grown up with these men she had no reason not to trust them.

She tossed back the shot without hesitation. She knew that whiskey burned but this was down right horrible. There was also a metallic aftertaste that made her gag.

“Sorry to do that to you Suga, but it's for your own good. Now go with the nice man,” Bulk told her as Skull seized her wrist.

Thanks to whatever she'd been slipped she was easily pliable and followed him. As they went outside, the cool night air hit her like a ton of bricks. She stumbled a bit but he was right there to catch her. Despite being buzzed, surprise and tenderness ran through her. She knew how Skull or Mikey whatever he went by felt about her while they grew up, and she wondered if he still felt that way. As he pulled her into a run down building and up the stairs to an apartment.

As soon as he opened the door, she pounced and pressed her lips to his. To her surprise, he froze instantly; she stopped kissing him and frowned.

“What's the matter, am I not good enough for you any more?” she asked, he sighed.

“It's not that. I brought you here because I needed you out of harms way. You probably just blew my cover.” he muttered, scrubbing his face with his hands.

“Wha...?” she asked, her speech slightly slurred.

“I had one more chance tonight with the cartel I had infiltrated. They didn't suspect me at first but they have ears and eyes everywhere. And you, you just had to walk in and fuck it all up. If I hadn't grabbed you, someone worse would have and I couldn't take that chance,” he told her, she gulped and suddenly the room spins faster.

“Ohhh,” she said, clutching her head and he gently pushed her back and she lost her balance, falling on something soft. “Mmm, nice bed,” she said, and she meant it. It was softer than her own, it was cold by lack of inhabitants but that was changing.

“So at least I get to spend my last hours with you. Granted you're buzzed but at least it's you,” he told her and she was aware that he was taking off her shoes and righting her so she was now lying on a pillow. She heard his shoes falling and felt the mattress sink with his weight.

“Coming to keep me company?” she cooed, she heard him chuckle, it was deep and subdued, nothing like his true laughter.

“Not really, as much as I'd love to do you, I ain't doing you when you're drunk, not even if I die tomorrow, this boy has standards,” he told her and was surprised when she rolled into him and threw her arm around his neck. She almost punched him in the face, and he chuckled again.

“I don't want you to die,” she told him, and he was surprised at the sincerity in her voice.

“I don't want to either. But if you mean it, then say a prayer, I'll need it. Because I'm going to hell if I do,” he felt her hands tighten on his skin. “You can't do my job without committing every sin. But at least I may have saved some lives on the way,” he said and he realized she was blissfully snoring into his shoulder. “At least I got to see you...” he told her, and kissed the top of her head.

Five days later

Kimberly Hart was still trying to make sense of that night. She vaguely remembers Skull telling her he was going to die and go to hell. A part of her had been so shaken by that, though she had no idea if it was true, she prayed each day. She had gone back to the bar and hadn't seen him but this night, Bulk was back. When he saw her, she fall his face crumble and he motioned the other bartender then headed her way. He grabbed her arm and escorted her out the back into the alley.

“Pauley,” she said with exaggeration, “where is he?” she asked, he lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply.

“Clinging to life in a hospital under arm guard,” the expression was so pained that it almost made her cry, the unfathomable pain he had to be feeling, she placed her hand on his arm.

“What happened?” she asked, as he blew smoke out and took another drag. When he looked at her again, he seemed to age 10 years.

“He told you.”

“Oh, so that DID happen!”

“Yeah. Then to prove my worth I got to pump him with so many drugs he pretty much OD'd instantly,” his voice was choked and he was holding back his sobs, “He didn't blame me though, he looked me right in the eye and do you know what I saw?”

“Love?” she asked hopefully and he let out a coarse laugh.

“Not exactly, Sugarplum, I saw resignation, he didn't even fight what happened, and he's not fighting to live now. The rat bastard,” he said, taking a drag.

“Why do you keep calling me sugar and sugarplum?” he gave her a small almost empty smile.

“I told Ray, the big man, if my sister came, I'd call her sugar so you wouldn't be followed or hurt, he'll haunt my ass if anything happens to you because of this,” Kim threw her arms around him and was surprised that his large form was shaking. She murmured words of comfort, and felt her skin dampen with a few tears. She used to dread seeing the nice side to Bulk and Skull, now her actions as they grew up were worse bullying than the two could ever do. But now, they were adults and Skull was dying, something she never wanted to hear.

“Where is he?” she whispered.

“St. Joes Mercy. Look for Skinny McGee,” he whispered and as he parted he gave her an appreciative glance. “Don't worry, I'll get penitence for the wrongs, even if it means with absolute force,” he swore. She knew deep down he would kill the man that made him harm his best friend. And she hoped that she was right.

“If you need me,” she told him, “I'll be with him,”

“Thanks, if anyone can help his sorry ass, it's you. Like it's always been,” he told her and smiled softly.

“And I'll be there for you too,” she told him and he nodded.

“Thanks sugarplum, now get your skinny ass out of here, I gotta get back to work,” he said and she nodded, and calmly walked to her car then sped to the hospital.

It took her 20 minutes and much pleading to the armed guards outside his room to get in. At long last she finally got inside and sighed at the sight.

Skull looked like he had one foot out the door, ragged and sweaty. He was shaking with tremors, and she spied a washcloth and filled a small basin near the sink. As she began to wipe down his face and blot anymore sweat that would appear.

“Skull, it's me Kim, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm here,” she told him; she placed her hand on his and gave it a squeeze. “Bulk to me I'd fine you here, I didn't think you were this bad,” she inhaled sharply, “after that night and I woke up alone, I began to research your career, you and Bulk have become heroes. See you don't have to wear spandex and have powers to do it,” she laughed softly. “Besides being a Ranger isn't what it's made to be,” she told him, “But you, you've saved a lot a people. You talked like you saved one, you saved so many children and donate your time with them, you've become such a good man,” she told him, wiping his brow.

She had read that he and Bulk by being in the undercover task force, had broken up a child smuggling ring, drug dealers selling to minors and a kiddie porn ring that had almost started to film a new feature. She may have been a hero for three years but the duo had become bigger heroes in her eyes. They had proven themselves to be good men with undeniable heroism. And now, it may have killed Skull, she sighed and bent her head, and began to pray.

Later that night

Kim was beginning to drift off when she thought she heard her name. She cracked her eye open to see Skull's eye open and looking at her. He was now laying on his side, his hand still in hers.

“Skull! You’re awake, God heard my prayers,” she nearly sobbed.

“I don't know if I'd credit him or you. And I go by Eugene when I'm not undercover,” he said, voice hoarse and tired, he sighed and gave her a small smile. “Thanks for being here Pinkie,” he told her and she blushed, he had heard her after all.

“You're welcome, after what I learned I couldn’t leave,” she told him, “And I may have told the Doctor I was your fiancé to look at your medical records. You got a long road ahead of you, especially facing withdrawals,” she told him and grabbed the rag to dab at his face.

“Yeah, I figured,” He said and looked at her with appreciation.

“But I'll be here until you're better,” she promised and he nodded.

“Thanks,” he said and slowly drifted off to sleep content with the promise of Kim at his side for his recovery.


I really liked the idea of Bulk and Skull being cops, so I created this universe.

fanfic, prompts, mmpr

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