Data Transformers for Max-MSP: scaleexp (new version), scalelog & scalepar

Oct 15, 2016 22:08

Small patches, implementing transfer functions for floating point numbers.

Version 3

Scales (maps) defined range of input numbers to defined range of output numbers exponentially. Slope can be changed indepenpently of changing output range.

Application: adjusting sensitivity of MIDI controllers, volume pedals, GUI sliders, dynamic range etc.

What's New: better display of transfer function (itable shows it better).

How it works exactly


Completely the same as scaleexp but transfer function is logarithmic. Its work is an exact inversion of scaleexp working (scalelog calculates scaleexp formula as an equation, returning x from y). So if you connect scaleexp and scalelog consequently and set same parameters’ values (inverting input and output ranges), your output will be the same as input.

Application: mutual control of interface elements using both exponential and linear or both linear and logarithmic data simultaneously.


Scales defined range of input numbers to defined range of output numbers parabolically: transfer function is parabola with any odd power, positive or negative.

Application: making input number stream more centered, more 'Gaussian', or vice versa making it more contrast (if power is negative).

Download all transformers:

See also: Real Gain for Max & Max for Live: High-Precision Fader for Real-Time Manual or Automation Control

mapping, max, Иллюстрации, bagatelles, *

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