Title: To Be Alone (With You): Chapter Six
dizzycalm beta'd by the lovely
MadnetoRating: NC-17 (R this chapter)
Warnings: child abuse, alcoholism, violence, teens in sexual situations
Author's Note: This is a WIP and the first time I've written such a long fic. Hopefully each new chapter will be posted on either Wednesday or Thursdays each
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Comments 7
Everything is wonderful and everything is terrible. How did you do that to me?
I'm almost expecting Charles to just, like, leave...
Also everytime I read Shaw's name I tense up. I mean I just cannot tell what kind of trouble he's gonna stir up but I know it's coming! Why does he care so much about Erik, what's gonna happen to Nina, why was he such an A-HOLE to Charles? I JUST DON'T KNOW! It's intense.
CANNOT WAIT for more. I love you.
Charles can feel his necklace heating up against his chest while worriedly watching the door; it tugs a bit letting him know that Erik found him.
“Lost again, Erik?” Charles voice is filled with amusement.
Erik turns quickly in the opposite direction, feeling the pull of silver, and runs before the bell rings. He arrives just in time and sees Charles smile shyly towards him while casually removing his bag from the chair next to him; all the other seats are filled.
I just loved this bit. ♥ This whole story is amazing. I cannot wait for more. Poor Charles, let ERIK LOVE YOU!! :D
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