Cayce had heard about the Disneyland "snow" that featured during the holiday season at the real-world park; she even had a vague idea of how it was
So the evening snowfalls at this Disneyland weren't much a surprise, at least not at first. The real surprise was when she noticed that the stuff would accumulate.
In the central plaza near the statue of Walt Disney and the Mouse, she bent down and scooped up a handful of snow. It was cold, powdery, and just damp enough to mold into a perfect snowball. It was a little disturbing at first, to stand there with a cold wad of snow while the ambient temperature was still only light-jacket-worthy.
But what the hell. Snowballs!
She knelt down next to a bench and began assembling a small arsenal.
((Feel free to come lob snowballs at Cayce, have snowballs lobbed at you, get in snowball fights with each other, build snowmen, whatever. Note that, per the standard park operations, I'm assuming the snowfall starts not long after sundown. I leave the timing of the disappearance of the stuff up to the discretion of the Mickey Cops. ^_^))