At first, Orihime was simply puzzled why Disneyland was suddenly before her, but soon that was forgotten and she filled her head with the many wonderful things she could do and eat there. Then, of course, she noticed the mouse and cat....
I hope this is as good as it sounds in my head )
Comments 135
"Inoue?" she says questioningly. "Are you all right?"
Back to the point, Orihime thinks Rukia is also a desperate hallucination of her own making, so she blinks for a moment, then grins happily with, "Kuchiki-san~!" deciding to greet any creation of her mind, because a made-up Rukia was better than no friends at all.
"So nice to see a familiar face. That means we can go on rides together in my mind~!" And wait! If Rukia was there then - so Orihime's logic deduces - Ichigo must be too. At once, she starts looking around for him.
Still, Rukia knows it's better to set Orihime straight now sooner rather than later. "Inoue, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're not dreaming. You're really at Disneyland. No one knows how we got here or when we're leaving."
All of that dissipates inwardly when she wonders where Ichigo is, but outwardly, she stills smiles. That is, she smiles until something else crosses Orihime's mind.
"Wait," she says taking a step back and looking skywards, "but what if my mind sent you to say that to convince me this is real?"
"But thank you for the tip! I'll have to try that now. Did you like it?"
A few seconds later, "If only I knew who they were! Then I could help them find me~!"
The Rani hadn't the time, patience, nor inclination to deal with the welcoming committees. The other two were more than welcome to waste their time with the social pleasantries involved.
So it was more or less pure coincidence that she happened to have decided that this would be a good time to see if there were any materials she could use in one of the kiosks in the entrance plaza. Had she known there was someone there, she would have waited until they were gone. But she'd missed the broadcast of Orihime's entrance interview.
This would probably prove somewhat unfortunate all around.
But now, she couldn't go on not knowing someone. Happily, Orihime called to the newcomer, "Hello there! Who are you?" hoping she wasn't bothering the other woman in...whatever it was she was doing. Hmm, what if she was a secret agent on important spy business.
Whoops. Orihime suddenly clasped a hand over her mouth and hoped it wasn't too late to save the newcomers cover.
[[Don't be. I'm curious to see how this plays out. XD]]
"I am called the Rani," she said shortly. "And if you have any questions about this place, you should ask someone else."
No one had ever said she was helpful. Or polite.
A SUPER HERO! Super Hero Rani~! Here to save the day. Only, it didn't need to be saved, yet. And hopefully Orihime hadn't blown that.
"But don't worry. I'll definitely get information from someone else~! Good luck."
At least, that's what she got out of energy pods...
"And I'm one of the princesses. We just need a few more, and the right technology. But since we're outside of time, I'm not sure how long that'll take." And, finally. "Hello, Virgil-san~! Ahhh, yes, you can call me Vega. Or Inoue. Or Princess."
"Princess," he said, presenting them to her. "These are for you. I'm Tamaki Suoh."
"How did you...." She trailed off, but then Orihime put together everything she had discussed so far and decided right then, "Oh!! Suoh-san, are you one of my subjects, come to find me? Perhaps you can tell me what I'm a princess of?"
Really. She could see him walking over plains, being rained on, but trudging on loyally through the coldest winters and hottest summers, and even jumping into the computer matrix just to find her all of these years later. Or...maybe he had just waited all this time. Whatever it was, for now, until he said otherwise, Tamaki Suoh was the most loyal subject ever.
"I am glad to find my most loyal subject. Only...I'm not sure how to rule over hearts. Does this mean I make tarts? And tell a bunch of cards, 'Off with her head!'?" Oh dear.... Did this Wonderland logic mean they really were in the Matrix?
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