End of an era

Sep 09, 2022 20:33

So, it's been a funny old couple of days ( Read more... )

facts about me, random, not supernatural

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Comments 15

amberdreams September 9 2022, 20:01:16 UTC
I'm totally in two minds. There's the view we have as white Brits of this dedicated, hardworking woman, then there's the view from the outside of someone who at the very least allowed their image to drive some pretty terrible racist and elitist policies in our erstwhile Empire.
On balance, I think it's time to be rid of the monarchy, at least in its current form. I'm also wary of a Presidency (though it depends how it's set up, what checks and balances are in place), so perhaps a stripped down institution retaining some vestiges of the heritage would work. Whatever happens, I think we need to stop putting the Royal family on the pedestal that a large proportion of the population have done in the past and look to a better system that is much more democratic.


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:40:56 UTC
It'll be interesting to see where the monarchy goes from hereon in. I know there' been lots of talk of slimming it down, which I think is long overdue. Far too many hangers on. I don't know exactly what I'd like to see moving forward to be honest. All I do know is that the thought of us ending up with some vacuous, self-serving prick like President Blair or President Rees-Mogg, even if they are duly elected, makes me want to punch myself in the face!


amberdreams September 16 2022, 20:26:38 UTC
I wonder why the model seems to require both a PM and a president/monarch-head of state. I suppose the US is slightly different in that they don’t have a PM equivalent. There’s got to be a better system!


dizzojay September 16 2022, 20:33:52 UTC
Even more bizarre when you get a system like the US system where sometimes the houses of Government (not sure of the correct terminology) and the president appear to be working against each other...???

I've never quite figured out the logic of that.

Personally, I've always hated party politics. Politicians always put party before country and that really pisses me off, that's why I despise most of them!


casey28 September 11 2022, 08:55:25 UTC
Yes, it does feel like something permanent and eternal is gone. When I heard the news, my first reaction was "no, it can't be!", then sadness. She will very much be missed.


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:46:19 UTC
It was shocking, even though it wasn't entirely unexpected.
She will be missed by so many people. I'm not entirely sure that Charles will elicit the same affection as his Mother did.


kinkthatwinked September 11 2022, 13:50:36 UTC
Hello. As usual, it takes something HUGE just to get me to peek my head in on LJ ( ... )


dizzojay September 11 2022, 14:34:41 UTC
Hey! How wonderful to hear from you, and thank you for your kind thoughts ( ... )


kinkthatwinked September 13 2022, 03:22:39 UTC
No, I hadn't heard about JJ! Oh God, I'm so sorry, especially that I wasn't there for all of you. Is her son doing okay?

You know when Elizabeth really began to feel like "my" queen? During the first COVID lockdown, when we were all scared and had no idea what would happen next or how bad things would get. The Queen sat down, steadily looked us all in the eye and told us we would get through it, and I believed her. I sure as hell wasn't going to hear anything even approaching believable reassurance from the sitting U.S. president, and from some attention-starved celebrity it would just sound like an empty platitude. But I believed it from the Queen because this was a woman who lived through WWII bombings of her very home, she had seen with her own eyes how resilient human beings can be. If she said we had what it took, well, who would know better than her? And when she said "We will meet again," I swear, it felt like a warm hug. I still tear up today thinking about that speech ( ... )


kiramaru7 September 11 2022, 21:13:37 UTC
I'm on the other side of the Pond & I felt sad about the Queen's passing too. It's like she's been around FOREVER & it really is hard to imagine what things will like without her. I also feel bad for King Charles. He lost his Mom, but now he finally gets to be king, something he probably thought about in passing as the dear Lady seemed immortal! All that said, she's now with her beloved husband, Prince Philip and may she rest in peace.


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:42:41 UTC
Someone on TV said that Charles has had the longest apprenticeship in history, and that's probably abut right. It is a sad time, although not unexpected.


kiramaru7 September 17 2022, 00:45:42 UTC
I never thought of it like that, but in a way they're right! It really is! She was a special lady and will be sorely missed!


metallidean_grl September 15 2022, 17:54:45 UTC
So sorry to hear about the loss of the Queen. I admired her and her long-held duty. She was definitely someone to look up to. She was one of a kind. My heart and condolences go out to her family and the country. Once all the ceremonies have finished and life gets back to normal routines, it will be interesting to see how King Charles will conduct himself in his reign. Elizabeth is a hard act to follow. But, he's been learning from his mother all his life, so I'm sure he will do fine.


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:44:58 UTC
I had a lot of respect for the Queen. I know people go on about her living in privilege, and maybe that's right but I wouldn't have wanted her life. No bloody way. She was doing her duty less than 48 hours before she died.
As you say, interesting times ahead. As much as I wish the best for him, I'm not sure that the public will hold Charles in the same affection that they did for the Queen.


metallidean_grl September 19 2022, 05:21:59 UTC
I was watching some specials on the Queen this week and she really was a remarkable individual in her love and devotion to her country. There really will be no other person like her ( ... )


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