Happy Post: OMG OMG OMG!!!

Sep 07, 2022 21:22

I'm going to London Film and Comic Con Winter Edition in November, and I'm going to meet ... DAVID TENNANT!!!!!

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doctor who, david tennant, happy post, happy dizzo

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Comments 9

amberdreams September 7 2022, 21:26:32 UTC


jdl71 September 7 2022, 21:46:28 UTC
You’re so lucky! I was supposed to meet him last month but he had to cancel his appearance the day I was going to the con.


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:32:53 UTC
Oh bugger!
Sorry to hear that :(


fanspired September 8 2022, 08:24:44 UTC
Allons y! :)))))


ellerkay September 8 2022, 13:51:11 UTC
OH MAN, congrats!! Have fun! I really wanted to see him at a Boston convention last month, but I'm still antsy about covid so I ended up not going. Broke my heart a little, though - I adore him. I hope you have a wonderful meeting. :D


dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:33:58 UTC
I love him, and he's been a huge gap in my con encounters for so long, so I'm so stoked to get this chance!
I hope you get another opportunity to meet him :)


blackrabbit42 September 9 2022, 11:01:48 UTC
I am not exaggerating at all when I say that standing next to Jensen was NOTHING compared to standing next to David. I was able to walk away, but then I was so overcome and dizzy that a security guard asked if I was ok, and I LOST THE ABILITY TO READ. I was trying to look at the schedule to see where to go next and it was all just like hieroglyphics. Enjoy!!!



dizzojay September 16 2022, 19:34:36 UTC
Oh don't say that! I'm guaranteed to make a complete tit of myself in that case!


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