Happy Post: It's a Jubilee - part 2

Jun 05, 2022 20:52

So, it's been a delightful weekend.  Because of the Jubilee, we've had two public holidays which were very welcome as far as I was concerned.  Our weekend has been a mixture of relaxing and busy.  It started off on a bad note on Thursday when I got up and saw that Nutmeg obviously wasn't himself.  He was lethargic and showed absolutely no interest ( Read more... )

soldier boy, happy post, happy dizzo, rabbits

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Comments 2

amberdreams June 5 2022, 19:55:11 UTC
Yikes, blooming pets and their delicate little bodies! Glad he's recovered though, the little bouncing bun.


dizzojay June 5 2022, 20:16:40 UTC
Tell me about it!
Mind you, when the vet told me their out of hours surcharge was £250 and that was before the consultation and any medication, I nearly swallowed my tongue! Talk about cashing in on peoples' misfortune. It's an utter piss take!


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