Happy Post: Well, that was Crossroads Con!

May 03, 2022 22:05

This weekend I was up at the NEC in Birmingham with edina_clouds128, sasha_dragon, chellexxx and our friends Chris and Natalie for Crossroads convention.

It was a great weekend, and the guests were wonderful.  For several of them it was their first convention since the pandemic, and there was real energy about the event.

I had managed to get two portraits done for the event and I think both of them went down very well:

Catching up with Rick Worthy was so much fun at the autographs.  After our dinner date with a mutual friend in February 2020, he didn't recognise me at first because I was wearing my mask.  When he did recognise me, he jumped up out of his chair and gave me a big hug!  He's fascinated by the fact that my surname is 'Disney', and calls me Mrs Disney!  XD  We had a great catch up chat, and could have chatted for much longer except for the queue behind me!He loved his picture, and I was really touched by his message!

When it came to the photos, I started off racking my brains for original poses, but it appeared that hugs were back on the menu...
I couldn't resist!

You know I can't resist my British Men of Leters!

I was going to ask Rick to bite my neck, (and only a Supernaural fan can say that with a completely straight face), but he pulled me into a huge squishy hug and I thought, 'OK, this'll do... I'm not going anywhere!'

And of course, I did manage to find the odd pose that didn't involve climbing the guest like a tree...

Of course, a large part of convention-going is catching up with wonderful friends, so I was very happy to be able to do a lot of that too.

In the end, a fabulous weekend finished on a bit of a crappy note because my car broke down just after I'd left Birmingham at 6.30 pm, leaving me stranded 100 miles from home!

With the help of my breakdown cover and the fabulous Mr D, I managed to get home - at 1 am in the morning (after Mr D drove a 200 mile round trip to rescue me because breakdown cover were taking way too long and I was starting to really panic that they might actually try to patch my car up then expect me to drive 100 miles home in the dark, on my own, in a car that I wasn't confident I could rely on).

Thankfully, they did turn up just as Mr D did, and so my car followed us home on the back of a low-loader at around 3 am that morning!

I have a mobile mechanic coming out to sort my car out tomorrow - I've been givng my wallet a pep talk to prepare! :P

But as pants as that all was, it didn't detract from the fact it was an awesome weekend, and I can't wait to do it again :)

happy, starfury, crossroads con, happy post, happy dizzo, fandom friends

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