Happy Post: So, that was Darklight 4 con

Mar 21, 2022 21:19

Darklight 4 was supposed to take place in Summer 2020, but for reasons which I don't need to bore you with, has been postpoed and rearranged multiple times. Finally... FINALLY!  It happened this weekend in Paris, at the Hilton Charles de Gaulle airport, and it really didn't disappoint ( Read more... )

darklightcon, happy post, happy dizzo, paris

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Comments 4

metallidean_grl March 21 2022, 21:54:14 UTC
What great pictures. And what a cute idea for the distance pictures. I hate that plexiglass. So limiting, but that graveyard setup is perfect. Creation should get a clue and do something like that. If I were going to a Con this year I would not be paying the exorbitant amounts of money they ask for for pictures with the stars, especially J2, for us to be separated by a stupid plexiglass.

So glad you had a great time. Of course everyone was in high spirits, you are able to get together again and you're not having to wear those ridiculous face diapers. Albeit, still cautious and careful, but FREE!!!!! How sweet of Adam to react how he did to your story. Nice you were able to share it with him.


ellerkay March 22 2022, 02:21:51 UTC
What wonderful pictures!! I love that graveyard set for the distanced ones. It all looks like a wonderful time. I'm so glad you had fun.


fanspired March 22 2022, 08:30:28 UTC
I'm so, so pleased you finally got to do this! After all you've been through, you really deserve some fun.

I don't blame you for being soft on Adam. He is a cutie, and your experience telling him about JJ was so moving.

Adam and David were at the first convention I attended here in Sydney. They are such a cheeky pair! :D


casey28 April 2 2022, 21:58:42 UTC
I'm glad you had a wonderful time. Thanks for letting us know what a lovely person Adam is. I'm very touched by his response to hearing about JJ. *hugs*


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