It's good to be back...

Sep 08, 2021 22:02

This weekend I travelled over to the Isle of Wight to set up and work my frst dapplegrey art show for two years.  It was so lovely to be giving my art an airing, to be spending a day talking art to the public and my fellow stallholders who I hadn't seen for so long - it was so ... normalIt turned out to be a fairly successful weekend.  Not record- ( Read more... )

my dad, dapplegrey art

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Comments 7

supernutjapan September 9 2021, 03:26:10 UTC
That's so great that you could have some father/daughter time <3 I don't know your dad, but as a father I think he would rather continue to go with you as long as he can even if he can't help. I hope you can find a way.


dizzojay September 16 2021, 20:07:23 UTC
I| think so too. It has to be his decision, I just worry about him breaking a hip or something because he's so unsteady. I kind of hope he'll see sense before next summer and get a mobility scooter

I've got to say, though, if I was in the same situation, I'd be exactly the same stubborn and bloody minded as he is. I'm definitely his daughter!!!


kiramaru7 September 9 2021, 14:59:23 UTC
I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend with your dad! It's also awesome that things picked up where they left off & Dapple Grey made money for you! :D I hope Dad can go next year as I bet he enjoyed your time together as much as you did! :D Just give him a chair & tell him he's the boss & is above manual labor. :D


dizzojay September 16 2021, 20:07:59 UTC
That's a good idea, I'll have to try that! :D


casey28 September 13 2021, 06:13:43 UTC
It's wonderful that you had a dapplegrey show again, and went with your dad. Yay for dad/daughter bonding time, and a successful weekend. :D


dizzojay September 16 2021, 20:08:18 UTC
Yes, all positive stuff!
Thank you :)


metallidean_grl September 22 2021, 22:19:29 UTC
What a lovely day and moments with your dad. Grab every second you can with him. I look back sometimes and see moments I missed and regret a little bit not taking more moments with my dad. They are precious times and memories.


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