Mr D seems to have acquired a small furry apprentice...

Sep 07, 2021 21:54

While I was away this weekend busy arting on the Isle of Wight (more on that soon), Mr D was taking advantage of the lovely weather and tinkering with his bike in the garden. It seemed that he found himself a little helping hand (paw)...

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mr dizzo, rabbits

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Comments 7

kiramaru7 September 8 2021, 12:29:27 UTC
Awe... *dies from the cuteness*


dizzojay September 16 2021, 20:04:02 UTC
I'm doing that frequently at the moment!


yeuxdebleu September 9 2021, 20:01:15 UTC
Awww, where was the other bunny?


dizzojay September 16 2021, 20:04:53 UTC
She was around somewhere. Probably not so interested in the bike because she couldn't eat it!!!


yeuxdebleu September 16 2021, 20:40:32 UTC
I noticed in TV Guide magazine that there is a documentary on TV tonight that's all about rabbits. It's on our public broadcasting system so might be available someday in the UK. I think it will be worth watching.


kattrip033 September 10 2021, 07:26:05 UTC
So adorable!


dizzojay September 16 2021, 20:05:06 UTC
Yep, totally!


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