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Comments 4

sasha_dragon August 29 2021, 22:21:26 UTC
Bless you, for this Chance! But the SPN family has adopted you now, and there's no escape from us!


dizzojay September 16 2021, 19:47:00 UTC
Nope, we've got you now. You're ours!!!


septembers_coda August 30 2021, 17:30:07 UTC
I love this guy! I never get on Twitter, but poking my nose in for the first time in weeks, I stumbled across him a few days ago. And it's just gotten better since. His love letter to SPN fandom is the best. <3 <3 I also love anything that boosts bromance and fights against homophobia and toxic masculinity in such a beautiful way. <3 <3


dizzojay September 16 2021, 19:50:15 UTC
Yep, it's so refreshing. I love that his whole online identity seems to be geared around his man-crushes. That's a brave thing to do, and I really admire him for it.
Hopefully toxic masculinity has had it's day and good riddance to it.


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