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Comments 14

sasha_dragon June 27 2021, 20:41:10 UTC
I bet you can't wait, and talk about a labour of love that's patience for you. I'm so looking forward to the pictures of your new arrivals.


dizzojay July 5 2021, 20:12:46 UTC
Oh, the bunny-proofing has been an utter labour of love - and the little gits have done their absolute level best to circumvent it at every turn!


yeuxdebleu June 28 2021, 01:08:39 UTC
How lucky you are that he's so handy. It looks like you're well supplied. When do the bunnies arrive?


dizzojay July 5 2021, 20:14:41 UTC
Mr D can be very handy when he turns his mind to it!
The bunnies are here now, they arrived yesterday - I've just got a bit behind on responding to comments!


casey28 June 28 2021, 01:32:25 UTC
Yay, you're preparing for the bunnies! And yay for Mr. D doing the rabbit-proofing. :D


dizzojay July 5 2021, 20:15:22 UTC
I'm so grateful to him for helping with this bunny project!


fufaraw June 28 2021, 01:44:25 UTC
Yay bunnies! Pre-pet prep is always at least a little harrowing--but offset by excited expectation! Hope everything goes smoothly and the bunnies soon feel at home.


cuddyclothes June 28 2021, 17:26:00 UTC
Wow, you guys are prepared!! Good for Mr. Dizzo!

Are bunnies litter box trained?


dizzojay July 5 2021, 20:17:26 UTC
Yes, we've prepared as best we can.
They're not doing too badly with the little box. We haven't had any pee accidents outside of their box yet, so that's fantastic, still need to work on the 'currants' though!! :)


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