No Strings Attached: a birthday fic for MeAzrael_64

May 27, 2021 21:14

It's my dear friend, meazrael_64's birthday in a couple of days.

Now, because he's an awesome person, Dean always tries to organise something special to celebrate MeAzrael's birthday, but somehow it never quite goes according to plan.

Amazingly, this year is no different..


dean winchester, fan fiction, castiel, humour, birthday shout out, fandom friends, sam winchester

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Comments 4

fanspired May 28 2021, 00:22:50 UTC
Mr judgey hee 😁 So Dean. And the XL purple G string is an image I'm going to try to scrub out of my brain, but it's in there now 😝


dizzojay May 31 2021, 14:59:21 UTC
You're welcome...

The dizzojay journal, purveyor of disturbing images! ;)


Thaaaaannnnks!!! meazrael_64 May 29 2021, 12:07:20 UTC
Jeez, Jane - you (and Dean) just made my day :-)) I'd give anything to hear Dean play me whatever he likes (though I gotta say, he knows what my taste - and "Nothing else matters" would've been awesome ;) The image of Cas with a giant G string might have disturbed me for a second, but I got over it when I saw that huge grin of my favorite Winchester. Plus: I really enjoyed bitchy Sam, as always.

Thank you so much for this beautiful gift!
Hugs from me, who's enjoying a wonderful summer day (after 8 weeks of April)


RE: Thaaaaannnnks!!! dizzojay May 31 2021, 15:01:11 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Dean has your best interests at heart!
I'm glad the purple g-string image didn't psychological damage you too much ;D


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