Happy Post: Meet the Hooligans!

Mar 22, 2021 21:23

So, I'm delighted to say that after the drama of Mr D's 'moment' last week, we had a very peaceful, uneventful weekend ( Read more... )

mr dizzo, happy post

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Comments 9

amberdreams March 22 2021, 22:31:15 UTC
I love jackdaws, they're so exuberant! And thank goodness for a drama free weekend.


dizzojay March 23 2021, 19:49:26 UTC
The jackdaws are hilarious. They always turn up mob handed, we can have anything from three to fifteen, and they're like a bunch of complete loonies.


kiramaru7 March 22 2021, 22:38:50 UTC
I LOVE any and all corvids! :D Do you know what the lil cutie who came to eat after the jackdaw left is called? :D


dizzojay March 23 2021, 19:51:03 UTC
Ah, he's little Robin Bobbin. The Robins are adorable at the moment. They're very cute around us, but a couple of them are being quite aggressive to the others. I think it's that time when they're all thinking about heading off to make little Robins!


kiramaru7 March 30 2021, 15:47:48 UTC
Awe... *dies from the cuteness* They're out here too! And now the bunnies are starting to come out too! Yeah, I think that's on the mind of a lot of creatures, both great & small! XD I've seen bunnies running around chasing each other & birds singing and dancing to impress the ladies too! *winks* With the squirrels, it's hard to tell as they always chase each other around! XD


fanspired March 23 2021, 10:54:22 UTC
Superb pics!


dizzojay March 23 2021, 19:51:12 UTC
Thank you :)


deanshot March 23 2021, 22:08:00 UTC
I love Robin's, they are one of my favourite birds. Really glad that you had a peaceful weekend. Are the jackdaws that big or is the zoom on your camera that has made them look that big.


dizzojay March 25 2021, 18:56:14 UTC
Robins are very cute , they're like little fluffy balls on legs :D
The jackdaws are one of the smaller members of the crow family. At a rough guess, I'd say they're about 12" beak to tail.


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