Reversebang Art Masterpost: Two Men and a Camel

Nov 05, 2020 19:10

Art Masterpost for spn_reversebang
Art Title: I don't think we're in Kansas any more
Prompt No: E3001
Artist: dizzojay
Fic Title: Two Men and a Camel
Fic Link: AO3
Author: kelios

It's always great to collaborate with a new author on this challenge, and kelios great story gave me lots of inspiration to work with.

Original Prompt

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reversebang, dean winchester, jared, fan art, fan fiction, jensen, sam winchester

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Comments 10

interes2012 November 5 2020, 22:28:23 UTC
did they decide to fuck Cleopatra?


dizzojay November 6 2020, 20:24:38 UTC
Well, the story link is up now, so go check it out!


kazluvsbooks November 6 2020, 04:46:24 UTC
that art is AMAZING!!!!!


dizzojay November 6 2020, 20:25:14 UTC
Thank you :)


beelikej November 6 2020, 18:05:19 UTC
The most amazingly fun idea and so very well executed; their faces and outfits make me grin. Camel Castiel is icing on the cake, such happy making art:) Cute dividers too!


dizzojay November 6 2020, 20:25:59 UTC
Thanks - I'm glad you like it!
And a big thank you for all your (and the other mods') efforts in running such a great challenge!


firesign10 November 6 2020, 19:27:58 UTC
Art is fabulous!!! The gold theme is perfect. The scarab!!! And Camstiel is so cute!!


dizzojay November 6 2020, 20:26:13 UTC
Thank you! Glad you like it :)


jj1564 November 11 2020, 13:42:49 UTC
Just read the fic, it's so much fun, as is your artwork! I can see why the prompt was inspiring! I love Camelstiel wearing a blue tie, hee hee, and the brothers look good in skirts!! The art work for the dividers is lovely, I like the sand and gold theme.


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