Quarantine Photo Scavenger Hunt - Day 19

Jun 09, 2020 19:31

Something that keeps me sane

yourself (disguised enough that you're comfortable sharing the photo)
your favorite book (we won't tell any of the others you picked a favorite)
merchandise from a fandom (pick your definition of fandom--sports 100% qualify)
your exercise equipment
the view out a window

something alive
a meal
a letter/postcard ( Read more... )

meme-y stuff, quarantine scavenger hunt

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Comments 16

amberdreams June 9 2020, 18:54:47 UTC
I don't know why you stopped doing the variety of subjects, I mean clearly you carried on with the horses but you mostly seem to do horse faces (right?), rather than the whole animal too, but it's a shame. You had an eye for illustration and action! Maybe you could try some illustrations for bangs instead of manips? Have a bit of fun with it, like you did here.


dizzojay June 10 2020, 18:34:12 UTC
I think these fell by the wayside when I started concentrating on dapplegrey art. I concentrated on just doing the animals to keep the standards up. And when people want commissions of their animals, more often than not, it's just a head and shoulders. But this year may be the year to try to get back into a couple of these sorts of pics because dapplegrey art is just not happening - shows are all cancelled, and people have got far more important things to think about than commissions!


amberdreams June 10 2020, 19:04:06 UTC
Go for it!


metallidean_grl June 9 2020, 19:55:51 UTC
WOW! Those are good. I love the jousting knights. So many elements involved in it. Nice job.


dizzojay June 10 2020, 18:34:20 UTC
Thank you!


kiramaru7 June 9 2020, 23:55:12 UTC
LOVE your fantasy art! It's awesome! You should try & do more of it! :D


dizzojay June 10 2020, 18:34:50 UTC
I definitely would like to, I just need to get myself back into that mindset!


kiramaru7 June 10 2020, 18:59:27 UTC
Cool! Maybe read the Dunk & Egg tales by George RR Marten. I think the title of the collection is "A Knight of the & Kingdoms." It's 3 novellas, so no worries about reading something that may or may not get finished. XD


julchen11 June 10 2020, 10:22:07 UTC
Wow! Breathtakingly beautiful... just wow...


dizzojay June 10 2020, 18:35:07 UTC
Thank you :)


jj1564 June 10 2020, 12:19:30 UTC
I love your handsome knights and their brave steeds, the way you do their cloaks and manes/tails makes them look like they're moving. I hope you'll do some more of this type of artwork. I think creativity is the best way to keep sane, whether it's art or storytelling.


dizzojay June 10 2020, 18:35:47 UTC
I would really like to get back into doing a bit more of this stuff, I just needs to get back into the mindset, and to figure out what to do with it!


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