Fandom Review - 2019

Jan 03, 2020 23:23

After the madness of 2018, I was expecting 2019 to be a much quieter, less busy year.

And of course, I was hopelessly, gloriously wrong about that!

There may not have been travels to Iceland and broken limbs to contend with, but there were six cons, European travels, lots of art, lots of writing and, yes, beautiful fandom madness!

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starfury, little plastic people, fandom, darklightcon, facts about me, fan art, fan fiction, crossroads con, fandom friends, jus in bello, gishwhes, lfcc, spn-bigpretzel

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Comments 4

amberdreams January 4 2020, 09:20:30 UTC
Busy busy busy! Here's to an equally fun and productive 2020!


dizzojay January 7 2020, 19:42:44 UTC
Amen to that!! :D


jj1564 January 5 2020, 12:02:01 UTC
I'm stunned that you achieved so much when you were so busy at work and with studying, well done!


dizzojay January 7 2020, 19:43:47 UTC
Sometimes I actually do wonder how I fit it all in but, I guess, when you love doing something, you find a way, right?



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