Happy Post: My Inspiration

Nov 26, 2019 20:20

I've talked about my Dad and his artwork here before a couple of times, but recently, while I was sorting through some old photo albums at my parents' house, I happened across a collection of photos of some of his artwork.  (Bear in mind this was from the 70's and 80's so in a time before scanners and digital media ( Read more... )

my dad, happy post

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Comments 19

sasha_dragon November 26 2019, 21:20:24 UTC
Wow! Your dad is a very talented man, I can see why you consider him such an inspiration.


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:29:42 UTC
He is very talented, and very inspirational - I know I wouldn't be an artist if it wasn't for him.


metallidean_grl November 26 2019, 21:59:34 UTC
Those are great pictures. Yes, very talented. What a wonderful idea for a gift. I'm sure your father will be thrilled.


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:30:21 UTC
I hope so, I think he'll enjoy it.
It's a mark of the man that he's always been more interested in my art than his own!


malefantasy November 26 2019, 22:07:16 UTC
wow! he is so talented!


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:30:32 UTC
He certainly is!


tiggeratl1 November 26 2019, 23:30:19 UTC
These are glorious! What a well of talent to spring from. He's going to love it and treasure the fact that you made it for him. The best presents are always from the heart.


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:31:15 UTC
I know that I wouldn't be as dedicated to art as I am if it wasn't for him. He is absolutely my inspiration!


fufaraw November 26 2019, 23:50:14 UTC
Those are so much fun! I hope he adores the calendar!


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:31:59 UTC
They're fantastic aren't they. I think he'll enjoy the calendar - I hope so, anyway :)


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