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Comments 5

jennytork October 10 2017, 22:42:08 UTC
Well done, Tom!!!

I didn't read the first half of this story -- I heeded the warnings -- started with chapter eight. It was easy to catch up with and I am so glad I gave the second half of this a chance.

I am so happy with the way this ended up -- everyone on the path to wellness and the fuglies gone for good.

Good job, you!


dizzojay October 23 2017, 21:12:44 UTC
I'm glad you gave it a chance and enjoyed it - and I'm glad you heeded the warnings!


jj1564 October 16 2017, 22:58:42 UTC
"I've been hurt Sam; God knows, you know I have, but she hurt me more than I can describe." Dean's eyes lifted to look up into Sam's face, "and she stared into my eyes and laughed as she did it."

Wow, poor Dean, I'm both pleased and horrified that he told Sam what had happened to him - he needed to tell him, but it's so horrible and Sam's worse fears after what he heard Dean say in the shower were confirmed. Now Sam knows, he can support Dean and I'm sure Dean feels a burden has been eased a little. And this was lovely...

There was no response other than a muffled sniff, and he felt the dampness of hot tears on his shoulder. As he sat silently and patted his brother's back he knew they were healing tears.

Thanks goodness Tom survived - he was clever in tricking the faerie King, as was Lloth. You handled a sensitive subject so well here, and the love between Sam, Dean and Bobby was beautiful to see. I love Tom's character, too, the boys need someone like him to patch them up now Cas is out of the picture for a while!


dizzojay October 23 2017, 21:14:08 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it - it was the first time I tried to write something like this, so I'm glad you think it worked x


jj1564 October 24 2017, 14:27:02 UTC
I think you did an amazing job with a tough subject.


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