One of Life's Little Problems

Mar 15, 2012 11:20

Injuries the brothers can cope with; illness, trauma, PSTD? They've done it all with knobs on.

But this? Well ...

Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I've said it before; they should be very thankful about that ...

Rating: T
Genre: Humour/Hurt Comfort
Warnings: no spoilers, a few mildly naughty words
Word Count: 9,000

Link to my fic on - enjoy :)

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supernatural, scared!dean, naked, humiliating, fan fiction, witch's spell, humour, hurt comfort, silliness, dean winchester, bobby singer, sulky!dean, sam winchester

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Comments 4

amberdreams March 15 2012, 14:21:49 UTC
Is this complete now then?


dizzojay March 15 2012, 14:39:43 UTC
Yep, it's not a very long one!


amberdreams March 15 2012, 14:42:23 UTC
So I see, 9000 words. Coolio, I was waiting for the finished article so I shall go and check it out very soon!


sasha_dragon March 15 2012, 19:48:42 UTC
Brilliant fun! I loved this and it was so great to 'see' Bobby again.

Sam in that toy shop, I may never see the poor boy in the same light again, and a pocket sized Dean.....I'd prefer the full sized article but I'd take the shorter version any day as well.

Thanks for sharing this.


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