Words and Pics from LFCC

Jul 30, 2017 13:14

Well, a lovely, if tiring, day was had by all yesterday.  I was shattered when I got home; shattered, hungry, footsore, and very happy!  It was great to catch up with 
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lfcc, facts about me, happy dizzo, fandom friends

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Comments 7

amberdreams July 30 2017, 13:33:56 UTC
Mads is really handsome, isn't he? I'm hoping Starfury might get him at one of their future events...
You mentioning the maleness of John Cleese's queue - I noticed the same thing all day. i guess we are just not used to seeing so many male geeks because they are in such a minority in the SPN fandom! I found it weird to be standing in Alan Tudyk's photo queue surrounded by blokes.


dizzojay July 30 2017, 14:06:10 UTC
Mads' queue was more female-oriented, probably about 50/50, but I reckon only about 10% of John's queue was female.

I guess we're used to a very different demographic at the Supernatural cons. I don't suuppose we'll ever be in a minority there ... :D


sillie82 July 30 2017, 13:39:27 UTC
Sounds like you had a great day! Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing. :)


dizzojay July 30 2017, 14:06:27 UTC
We did have a lovely day, thank you :)


milly_gal July 30 2017, 15:45:42 UTC
Oh my life I know I missed this for the lovely Steve and our anniversary but DUDE I am so jealous!!! Mads is GORGEOUS and such a hunky kinda intelligent looking guy and then there's Cleese! *DYING* Awesome man, awesome.


jj1564 July 30 2017, 22:49:41 UTC
I'm so pleased you finally got to meet John Cleese after waiting so long and that he was so charming. I hadn't considered there would be mainly men waiting for his photo, as I've loved him since Python, and thought he'd appeal to both sexes as he's such a legend!

Your Spartan looks very smiley as well as fit - 299 more of him would be very nice! It looked like a fun day, even if it was long and exhausting!


julchen11 August 1 2017, 02:19:21 UTC
Thank you for taking us with you, my dear. You look great and you can be sure I would buy this Action figure at once! Love the living room of your friend, it Looks very inviting and comfortable :-)
Happy Tuesday, sunshine!


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