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Comments 5

borgmama1of5 April 6 2011, 00:16:53 UTC
You have an amazing ear for Sam and Dean dialog!

But you were so mean to the boys in this! Although I'll forgive you because Hannibal was so awesome and you gave it a happy ending :)


dizzojay April 6 2011, 06:21:12 UTC
Heehee, I'm always mean to the boys :)
I love to write the boys' dialogue, I think their banter is hilarious - glad you enyoyed it!
Thanks for your lovely comment x


(The comment has been removed)

dizzojay April 6 2011, 19:02:47 UTC
Thank you, glad you enjoyed x


rince1wind April 6 2011, 04:36:12 UTC
Wonderful. And you've got some GREAT lines. One of my favorites:
"Retiring at 39, with the intention of spending some quality time with his remaining teeth..."
Thanks for writing this!


dizzojay April 6 2011, 19:08:41 UTC
Glad you enjoyed this, I really appreciate your lovely comments


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