Nightmare Scenario

Mar 18, 2011 21:02

An oft-used phrase which could apply to any number of instances from the worst kind of global catastrophe to my attempt to cook lasagne yesterday evening (heck, the smell of smoke does linger doesn't it?)

In Dean's case, it could describe, say, being trapped in a small cramped aircraft with no pilot hurtling to oblivion in the middle of the Mohave ( Read more... )

concussion, supernatural, scared!dean, brothers, hurt comfort, phobia, dean winchester, fear of flying, psychological trauma, fracture, sleeping!dean, sam winchester

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Comments 3

hoodietime March 18 2011, 21:11:16 UTC
Hey, I just sent you a PM. ;) Just letting you know since LJ's been weird lately with the notifications.


borgmama1of5 March 19 2011, 02:47:11 UTC
The link for chap 5-8 isn't working!!!! Arrrgh!


dizzojay March 19 2011, 10:04:24 UTC
hey there; I think I've fixed it. I got a message from Hoodie Time yesterday to say that they didn't like posts in several parts on the same day any more because it floods readers' friends pages. What I didn't realise, though, was that they took the second post down, so the link wasn't going anywhere.

I've reposted it this morning, and it should work now!
(fingers crossed)


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