Nablopomo 2023 - Day 21

Nov 27, 2023 17:50

Day 21 - What about LJ keeps you coming back(or never leaving)? (Because let's be honest, this place is old, BUT WE ALL LOVE IT ANYWAY.)I think it's a simple case of sentimentality.  I just can't bear to let go of the platform where I've spent some of the happiest times of my life, where I've met some of the best friends I've ever had, and most ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

fanspired November 28 2023, 03:38:23 UTC
I blame Chuck. When he said "I don't need to read your live journal story" I was like "what's this live journal?" and the rest is history! 😁 Congratulations on your LJ anniversary 🥳


dizzojay November 28 2023, 07:30:10 UTC

Ah good old Chuck! Gotta love a bit of shameless fan service!

I honestly don't know why I said it's my 10 year anniversary - I blame menopause brain ... it's my 13 year anniversary. What a numpty!!


fanspired November 28 2023, 07:33:26 UTC
Ah, that makes sense. I thought you were here before me. 🙂


metallidean_grl November 28 2023, 20:41:32 UTC

Of course you cannot miss your LJversary. There are still a few of us holding on, and still enjoying it. Although, yea, LJ is nowhere near what it was. ;(


amberdreams November 30 2023, 22:56:25 UTC

It's quiet here now but there's a few of us left. ❤️


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