
Nov 01, 2023 21:37

Hey gang!

I've just realised it's already November and there's been no mention of  Spn Reversebang.  Their  journal hasn't been updated since last year's masterlist so I'm assuming it's not going ahead this year?  :(

Unless it's moved to some other plattform and I've been an oblivious twit and missed it!

Does anyone know?


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Comments 7

amberdreams November 1 2023, 23:07:22 UTC

Yeah Judith has been too busy and us other ex mods have other things on our plates so unless someone wants to step up and run it...


dizzojay November 2 2023, 17:49:40 UTC

Totally understand. I'm not stepping forward, however, I feel like I've done my fandom community/challenge time running Big Pretzel and the Parade!


amberdreams November 2 2023, 19:27:44 UTC

Yeah, I'm with you there.


borgmama1of5 November 2 2023, 01:32:25 UTC
Sad...but not a surprise, fandom is slowly evaporating (and I'm just as guilty as everyone else, haven't written anything in over a year...)


dizzojay November 2 2023, 17:50:16 UTC

I think we're all guilty to varying degrees.

It's a shame, but inevitable I guess.


amberdreams November 2 2023, 19:28:47 UTC

Writing is hard. My writing fizzled out about 3 years ago now. At least I'm still arting. And reading!


emmatheslayer November 6 2023, 05:35:11 UTC
Yeah it's not happening this year that's so sad I mean spn kink moved to de and the only thing I really been participating in was SPN masquerade I am still in the fandom and have been doing some spn art and writing it's just thr fandom is so sprinted , on different platforms bits hard to get us all together in one place , I am sad but maybe we will get a resurgence of or spn fandom in the future .


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