One step closer

Jun 27, 2023 21:07

All the pre-ops done yesterday.
BP, bloods, ECG etc.  It seems like I'm fit and healthy enough that I'm unlikely to peg out under the anaesthetic, so it looks like we're all systems go for next Friday! 

facts about me, random, not supernatural

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Comments 3

amberdreams June 27 2023, 20:13:11 UTC

Stay away from people, don't catch anything!


galatera_grass June 27 2023, 21:01:24 UTC

Good luck. Waiting for your post after the operation ❤️


sasha_dragon July 1 2023, 18:04:28 UTC

Fingers crossed that everything goes alright! Now stay away from everyone for the next week, you don't want to catch anything.


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