of Flyby Recs, New Fave Show, and TV Show Meme Day 04!

Oct 27, 2011 00:07

I guess I'm making posts mostly for myself haha. Does anyone read this outside of LJ (since I crosspost, but wonder if I should just stick to LJ posting...) Also, been commenting on the #OccupySF & #OccupyOakland on my twitter if any are interested.

Fly by rec: Because I'm Awesome - An Agent Coulson Fanmix Dunno who he is? *points to icon in LJ* ( Read more... )

fandom: !pimping, !fic recs, fandom: !meme, !fanmix, media: tv

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Comments 1

lauriegilbert October 27 2011, 15:23:43 UTC
Once Upon a Time FTW!


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