Various Star Trek Drabbles Part Six

Jun 22, 2010 21:24

Catching up on posting all the drabbling I've done since last time... I'll try not to spam too much. Light beta work done... All were for bridge2sickbay challenges. The theme for this set was Household Objects, I believe.

Prompt: McCoy, Joanna - Books
Rating: G
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!fanfic, fic type: drabble, challenge: bridge2sickbay, fandom: star trek

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Comments 1

lesserpanda June 23 2010, 20:00:00 UTC
My favorite was probably the first one-- Books. Only because I love them so much myself and am a sucker for Bones/Joanna cutefics. My second favorite, the waffle iron one amused me, also because I got one from my sister as a gift this weekend :)


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