The Laws of Sukkah According to Dr Seuss

Oct 18, 2005 23:29

Vot, sosedka k Succot prislala...

You can build it very small/ You can build it very tall
You can build it very large / You can build it on a barge
You can build it on a ship / Or on a roof but please don't slip
You can build it in an alley/ You shouldn't build it in a valley
You can build it on a wagon / You can build it on a dragon
You can make the schach of wood / Would you, could you, yes you should
Make the schach from leaves of tree / You shouldn't bend it at the knee
Build your Sukkah tall or short / No Sukkah is built in the Temple Court
You can build it somewhat soon / You cannot build it in the month of June
If your Sukkah is well made / You'll have the right amount of shade
You can build it very wide / You can not build it on its side
Build if your name is Jim / Or Bob or Sam or even Tim
Build it if your name is Sue / Do you build it, yes you do!
From the Sukkah you can roam / But you should treat it as your home
You can invite some special guests / Don't stay in it if there are pests
You can sleep upon some rugs / Don't you build it where there's bugs
In the Sukkah you should sit / And eat and drink but never spit
If in the Sukkah it should rain / To stay there would be such a pain
And if it should be very cold / Stay there only if you're bold
So build a Sukkah one and all / Make it large or make it small
Sukkah rules are short and snappy / Enjoy Sukkot, rejoice be happy.
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