»Muse List

Mar 08, 2030 18:43


→ Reno » nomakothx » Final Fantasy VII


→ Terrance Ward » knowyourfears » Marvel Comics/Avengers: The Initiative
→ Shino Aburame » usedbugbuzz » Naruto: Shippuden
→ Reno » stepsonflowers » Final Fantasy VII


→ Takayama » angryvoice » Ichi the Killer @discedo
→ Maxi » sanzeinga » Soul Calibur @discedo
→ Reno » makinmesober » Final Fantasy VII @ ms_elegante
→ Hwoarang » awol_sowi/baekjool » Tekken @ discedo
→ Hannibal King » f_ckmesideways » Blade: Trinity @ Discedo
→ The Narrator/Tyler Durden » so_fucking_zen » Fight Club (Book) @ Discedo
→ Tomokai Yoshida » tomoyoshida » Brodie's Law @ Discedo
→ Rufus Shinra » intrigmakare » Final Fantasy VII @ Luceti
→ Cyborg!Raiden » jackisnomore » Metal Gear Solid @ absolute_hold
→ Reno » stepsonflowers » Final Fantasy VII @ luceti
→ Cyborg!Raiden » lightningreborn » Metal Gear Solid @ discedo
→ Kate Bishop/Hawkeye » notquitehawkeye » Marvel Comics/Young Avengers @ discedo
→ Terrance Ward/Trauma » knowyourfears » Marvel Comics/Avengers: The Initiative @discedo
→ X5-494/Alec » almostadick » Dark Angel @ discedo

» Limbo//dear_mun//ic_secrets

→ Reno » causewereturks » Final Fantasy VII
→ Vince Noir » bionic_cheese » The Mighty Boosh
→ Cyborg!Raiden » i_am_lightning » Metal Gear Solid
→ MGS2!Raiden » rejectedgenes » Metal Gear Solid
→ Child!Raiden » liberian_ripper » Metal Gear Solid
→ Rude » over9000shades » Final Fantasy VII
→ Loz » totallycrying » Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
→ Seifer Almasy » patronizing_git » Final Fantasy VIII
→ Ashlotte » executionerdoll » Soul Calibur
→ Amy Sorel » la_fidelle » Soul Calibur
→ Kido Masaru » allyouryen » OC
→ Akane » screamingsound » OC
→ Nico Vitali/Satan » ascoltare » OC
→ Teresa of the Faint Smile » legendarysmile » Claymore
→ Chase Stein » fistigonsoffury » Marvel Comics/Runaways
→ The [BLU] Spy » meet_the_spy » Team Fortress 2
→ Kakihara » kagyakuai » Ichi the Killer
→ Eric Matthews » goodlookingguy » Boy Meets World
→ Vic Vega/Mr Blonde » sarcasticsadism » Reservoir Dogs
→ Cloud Strife » luckycolourblue » Final Fantasy VII
→ Luke Smith » birthdayless » The Sarah Jane Adventures

o-orz why do I have four Reno accounts

!muse list

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