
Aug 05, 2010 14:11

[In the stilled shock that happens after the earthquake, one can find a white wolf plus a bouncing yellow bug on her head sweeping the village. Everyone seems to be helping each other out, and Ammy isn't one to interfere when it seems to be taken care of by the humans. The injured are tended to, those trapped are being rescued, and whoever may be ( Read more... )

hard at work, divine intervention = kicking ass, mad art skillz, miyabi, amatefuckingrasu, brush power: rejuvenation, doing goddess things, event: earthquake

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Comments 41

derek_bliss August 5 2010, 23:24:22 UTC
[In his back and forthing while he helps various people, Derek stops to watch as the walls are reformed. His gaze falls on Ammi and the yellow bug, and there's a slight, wondering frown. But then he makes his way over, for just a moment, looking steadily at Ammi.

Finally, he bows his head deeply to her and kneels, producing both jerky and an apple from his jacket. He'll only stay long enough to give the pair this offering in thanks, but he holds it out steadily, patiently, for it to be taken.]


divinepooch August 6 2010, 07:27:02 UTC
[Ammy looks back at him, for once not with those begging eyes or with the playful exterior. These are the eyes of a goddess, one who knows of the dangers at hand. That "bug", who upon closer inspection happens to just be a very, very small person, stays nestled onto Ammy's head, both of them catching their breath.

The bow is slightly surprising, but in a good way. After that, she doesn't enthusiastically take the jerky as she usually does, but rather, she gently takes it from his hand, as if saying thank you from that action alone, and begins to eat. The apple is large, but Miyabi has first dibs on it.]


derek_bliss August 6 2010, 11:06:38 UTC
[Derek nods as the jerky is taken, and then carefully slices up the apple into smaller bits for Miyabi to take, and holds them close for her to take if she wants. Once he has one hand free, he'll reach up to give Ammi one gentle pat while his gaze obviously traces the red markings in her fur.]

That explains the sakura tree.

Thank you for helping, ma'am.


chiisaichou August 6 2010, 20:04:38 UTC
[Rhe offering also surprises Miyabi, and though she's gasping for breath, trying to keep up with Ammy's pace - Rejuvenation is the hardest skill to use after all, and she barely knows how to use it - but smiles with deep appreciation at the offering. She wouldn't have cared if the offering was purely for Ammy alone, but takes the apple slices carefully, nibbling on them.]

Thank you, kind sir. Heh...you can see Mother Amaterasu's true form? [Through her exhausted tone, there's a definite trace of sheer joy as well. Finally, someone could see her.] Do you know anyone else who needs their houses repaired, or places that have been hit especially hard?


1/2 crytearsofjoy August 6 2010, 18:11:57 UTC
[During all this chaos Winry has done her best to keep a level head. Shocked, a little panicked, and little frightened at first, Winry has shed those feelings in favor of will and determination. To keep herself from breaking down Winry has been between helping at the make-shift clinic, and running around doing first aid at areas that have been hit the hardest. For a moment she wishes she had started her lessons with Nala earlier, but it's not like it'd do her any good. The spirits were in about as much distress and panic as the villages now.

Winry starts on her way back to the make-shift clinic.]


crytearsofjoy August 6 2010, 18:14:00 UTC
[However the girl stops when she sees something familiar out of the corner of her eye. She turns, and there the goddess is. Worried, Winry approaches.]

Amaterasu, is that you?


chiisaichou August 6 2010, 20:09:52 UTC
[Ammy and Miyabi are beyond fatigued, and catching their breath for but a moment. Time is of the essence right now, and they can't dawdle carelessly. But once her name is called, both wolf and poncle look up. Ammy moves towards Winry, her tail wagging weakly, but it's the little golden light between her ears that actually speaks.]

You know Mother Amaterasu?


crytearsofjoy August 6 2010, 20:21:38 UTC
[The blond kneels, so that she won't be towering over them. Confused, she responds:] Yes? I've met her once before.


oda_hates_me August 6 2010, 21:01:31 UTC
[Sanji hasn't been idle during the crisis. Hit a building, help dig out any unfortunate ladies or shitheads, move on, check on the journals for his friends and crew, repeat process... The lack of a power cap makes things considerably easier as far as keeping up the grueling pace, and the chef's thankful for anything to keep himself busy with.

By the time he returns to the site of the fallen Seventh Heaven, it's well into the afternoon. The only reason he approaches is because Miyabi mentioned something about restoring it.

It's selfish, he knows, wanting the building back when half the village is strewn across the ground still, but he'll open it up for the currently homeless if he has to. For now, he'll do whatever he can to help.

When he sees a streak of white and red pass close to the area, interrupting him from hailing Miyabi over the journals, Sanji pauses, peers closer, and then recognizes the wolf]

Amaterasu-sama. [His tone lifts in bewilderment as she looks... different; more godly would fit the description. Were those ( ... )


divinepooch August 6 2010, 22:00:48 UTC
[Ah, a term of respect! Ammy and Miyabi are trying to catch a breather by then, and since the former isn't quite as winded as the other, she bows her head in return before she jerks it up, as if trying to jostle the poncle into paying attention. Hey, it's that friend of yours! With the food!]


chiisaichou August 9 2010, 22:54:19 UTC
[Miyabi was laying on her stomach on Ammy's head, since she's so soft and plush, you know. Unfortunately, the wolf's jerk does its job in jostling the tiny girl snoozing up above. With a startled nyah!, Miyabi grumbles and looks up, a large smile on her face. Please ignore how exhausted she sounds.]

Sanji! Oh, you...you've met Mother Amaterasu before?


oda_hates_me August 10 2010, 05:08:32 UTC
I have, once. [He bends down a little for a better look, and don't think he can't tell how tired you are. A good thing that considering the circumstances, he's not about to pull out a lecture.]

Pretty sure she didn't have markings then. Must be another sign that the power cap's gone.

[straightens, his stare bouncing between the two of them.] You ladies need a rest? [If so, he won't mention the restaurant]


ratatosk_knight August 7 2010, 06:02:30 UTC
[Several hours after the earthquake itself, Emil can be found digging through the rubble of his house in an attempt to salvage anything he can. It's not as if he owned much to begin with, but his things are his things, and they're precious to him because of that. But that's an awfully big pile of debris and Emil is awfully small and not very strong either. He might as well be trying to move a sand dune with a spoon at the rate he's going.]


divinepooch August 9 2010, 21:56:45 UTC
[Ammy's pretty much recovered from her work, as her Celestial Ink tends to refill much faster than normal people who can wield the brush in her world, while Miyabi rests in the fur on top of her head. There's still much to be done, but Ammy realizes that Miya needs a break, so she's been trying to do a lot of the things herself...

One of which being stepping around the rubble as much as she can to get to Emil. Wimpy! Heeey!]


ratatosk_knight August 9 2010, 22:05:40 UTC
[Emil doesn't notice her at first; he's busy trying to tug some of his bedding out from beneath a large chunk of wood. He knows it's probably a lost cause, but he's determined, and he keeps on tugging until he finally has to sit down to catch his breath. It's then that he spots Ammy making her way through the rubble.]

Snowball, you're all right...


divinepooch August 9 2010, 22:07:28 UTC
[Yup, and she's glad to see you too, little guy. But Ammy doesn't stop to greet him, just keeps going until she reaches him... then takes the sleeve of his shirt in her mouth and pulls. She needs him to get out of there if she's going to fix his house. It's generally not very pretty if the person's inside while the foundation tries to fix itself.]


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divinepooch August 9 2010, 21:57:52 UTC
[With Miyabi resting and recovering in her fur, Ammy notices Sheik's plight, and thus she heads over, letting out a bark to let him know that she's coming. He looks like he could use some help, what with the way he's cautiously trying to search for things.]


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