[PoT - Saeki/Fuji] Heartbreak

Mar 30, 2010 23:53

I don't even like the pairing >_____<
The things I do for Anu T_T AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK -headdesk-

Well, it kind of sucks, but whatever :p
And the idea is blatantly stolen from le_atobe's SaeFuji
...lolwhut, Mel wrote stuff without happy ending O_O
-shoots self-

Pairing: SaeFuji (obviously)
Word count: ~480
Rating: PG-13 (I think, at least)
Warnings: Mega-pointlessness? :p

Fuji does not know the feeling of a heart breaking. It is always him who breaks the hearts, one by one, when they come to him and ask for what he’s unwilling to give. Of course, Fuji doesn’t break them out of malice, he doesn’t like hurting people. When they are pretty enough, or he likes them enough they can have him, take what they want - but only part of it. Most of them want not only his body, but his heart too. But he cannot give that away.

Because, you see, Fuji’s heart does not belong to him anymore, he has given it away a long time ago already, and you can’t give what you don’t have after all. Sometimes he wishes he could, just to see if it would make any difference… to have someone know your heart belongs to them, and no one else. But in the end he knows he would not choose anyone else, even if he could.


Saeki knows what Fuji’s doing. Going home with a different person almost every night, if he likes them he maybe even comes with them twice. If it was anyone else Saeki would suspect he does it for money - but Fuji is different. Saeki doesn’t know why he’s doing it, but it’s enough to know that he is - and that Saeki cannot approve of it.

He confronts Fuji about it, just once, but all he gets is a wide smile, eyes ever closed. Why, would you want to come with me too, Saeki? Fuji asks, and Saeki frowns, shaking his head. He doesn’t want to become an addition to Fuji’s collection of broken hearts.

Could you give me your heart? Saeki thinks, but does not ask. Because Fuji’s heart belongs to no one, Fuji does not love, not like that. And, corny as it sounds, he would rather have Fuji’s friendship than a ruined something constructed by a one-night mistake. Saeki knows the world doesn’t work that way, but as long as it works like that for him and Fuji he can keep pretending he doesn’t want to take Fuji up on that offer oh-so-much.

Baka, he chides him, Why would I want to sleep with my best friend. And, he doesn’t know why, but he sees Fuji’s smile slip, just a little.


Fuji does not know the feeling of a heart breaking until that day, and yet even this pain does not make him want to stop putting on the charade, instead it encourages him. Because if Saeki does not want his heart, then he can at least give to others part of what they want, then he can keep pretending he does not have a heart to give away. But it will always belong to Saeki, even torn to bits and pieces. Because Saeki is the only one Fuji can love like that.

ch: saeki, ch: fuji, !tenipuri

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