[PoT - Shishido/Choutaroh] Memories

Mar 30, 2010 23:23

Pairing: Silver Pair
Rating: PG
Word count: 572
Disclaimer: Nope, I still don't have my private Twins to play around with.
A/N: Written for neitaro, I hope you like it. Also, inspired by Hyoutei's Season

Cuddling up in Shishido’s warm bed was something Choutaroh always enjoyed, even though he knew Shishido not to be the cuddly type. But if Choutaroh wanted to cuddle they would, because this was Choutaroh , and one could never ever say no to him. The younger boy hummed happily as Shishido slowly ran his hands through the other’s hair.

“Hey, Choutaroh? Do you remember?” A questioning gaze was all he received. “Do you remember that summer day we fought like no tomorrow?”
Choutaroh smiled.

He had yelled at Shishido-san. Whatever had possessed him to do that he did not know, but he had yelled at Shishido-san. It was hot outside that day, and Shishido-san had not turned up for tennis practice (in an air-conditioned gym), and when Choutaroh went to his home after to see what had happened he wasn’t there either. So he went to look for him.

Choutaroh found Shishido-san quite some time after, lying red-faced and panting on the street tennis courts, racket still clutched in one hand, the other holding the towel over his face in place. Naturally he helped him up and dragged him over into the shade. And then began lecturing Shishido-san how he should be more careful, especially with this heat.

Shishido-san had not taken it well. He had told Choutaroh that it was none of his business. He had growled at him to leave him the fuck alone. Shishido-san had never growled at Choutaroh before. At others, yes, especially Mukahi-sempai, but never ever at Choutaroh. And not when he was trying to help. Shishido-san was being unreasonable, and he told him so.

Shishido-san yelled at him to keep his nose out of his stuff. And Choutaroh yelled back, since he had just been worried. Shishido-san had said if he wanted to play a mother-hen he should go ask Seigaku’s Oishi to train him. Shishido did not need an overgrown puppy following his very step. Choutaroh punched him square in the jaw for that and ran, desperately trying not to cry. He failed miserably.

The next day Shishido-san kissed him and apologized.

“Hey, Ryou?” Shishido-san lifted his head lazily.
“Do you remember that winter day when I was feeling depressed and frustrated?”
Shishido smiled.

He had found Choutaroh in a nearby park. His kouhai was just sitting there in the snow, staring straight ahead. It was unnatural. Choutaroh was always moving and smiling and happy. He did not just sit around and wait for the snow to bury him alive. That was just lame. So Shishido walked over to him, awkwardly petting Choutaroh’s head and mumbling something along the lines of “If you’re not feeling well you should just come to me.” as quietly as possible.

Choutaroh just stared at him, while Shishido could not believe he had just said something so incredibly cheesy and lame. But this was Choutaroh, and if it made Choutaroh feel better he would just say it again. The very same was just busying himself with burying his face in Shishido’s (not grown back out) hair, almost squeezing him with a hug. Shishido said they should probably go inside, since his house was not far and he didn’t want Choutaroh to be cold.

After they had tumbled into Shishido’s bed, sharing kisses and more, Choutaroh smiled at him and thanked him. Because only Shishido’s warmth could keep him from freezing in winter.

Neither of them thought they would ever forget.

ch: choutaroh, ch: shishido, !tenipuri

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